Demand Your Basic Human Rights

You only have one life that you know of. Stand up for your basic Human rights. Demand them. They are yours by birthright.

Love. We need love. We need to be cherished and held. We each need to feel wanted and important by one other. One who does not have to because of blood relation ;) Love without holding back. Love them for who they are regardless of things you may wish to change or fix. Ironically, after feeling the love freely given them while being themselves, this may motivate them to be the best they can be for you, and change the behavior they instinctively know is not best for you.

We need to feel safe and secure. That is a human right. Humankind formed tribes for a reason. Protection and community. The saying "it takes a village to raise a child" is profoundly true, and I believe the fall of society and lack of basic decency today is in part due to the breakdown of villages and village mentality Now children are raised by one or two parents, sometimes a grandparent, and an ever changing conveyor belt of teachers. No accountability, no sense of place, and no large amounts of sage advice from the varied perspectives of constant carers.

A voice. You have the right to speak up. State your rightful claim to your rights. You were given a voice for a reason. Use it. Do not allow anyone to quiet you.

Freedom. So much negativity is in the air right now. We are surrounded by perceived differences and the hatred that breeds. It's an ever increasing scary world we are living in, but we each deserve freedom. Freedom to speak and not be afraid of repercussion. Freedom to have differing opinions. We each must stand up and be free. The more of us who accept this as our basic Human right, the more will jump on board.

Your basic Human Right is to be you. Without fear of repercussion or points and whispers. Without Ego photobombing your future. Be yourself. You are the best at it anyway :)

Images via Creative Commons

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I love you guys, I really do :) And I truly appreciate your support :)

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