In Which I Take a Break from Writing By Writing

Someone take this laptop away from me. Seriously. I have been playing catch-up since 7AM. That's 5 hours now of constant reading and upvoting and noting and responding and typing. I am almost there. A good push could get me through the series of emails and remaining articles I need to produce. And that push will absolutely happen, but not right now.

Instead, I am going to peel my fingers from this keyboard, get a nice cup of coffee and something delicious to eat and NOT look at a screen. I may nap. I'm not sure. I have a true blue headache blooming behind my eyes from hyper-focus. It's a thing. It happens every Sunday while I rush to catch up before Monday hits. I teach Monday nights. All the things MUST be done in advance. I'm like a squirrel caching nuts.

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Oh that work-life balance. I suppose I really do need that vacation. Maybe I should leave the house without my devices just for an hour?

How do you take mini-breaks?

I mean, good food, yes. Gotta have that. And there is something waiting in the fridge that will fill my heart-stomach. But it would be better enjoyed not here.

Perhaps a shower. That's the one place no one bothers me usually. But I tend to think in there. I need to turn that function off for awhile.

I should bundle up and walk in my woods. I should light a candle and meditate. I should sit in my closet with the lights off.

YES! I'll do all that. Thank you for this. Sometimes I just need to write it out to find the best course of action.

What are you doing for self-care today?

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