Games That Keep on Giving - "Random Acts of Kindness" and "Thank You For Being"

I am drawn to building community here on Steemit.

It's a genuine reflection of my real, on the ground life

in Texas at the eco-village the @gardenofeden.

I have found that community is a huge asset

in helping people thrive instead of simply survive.

Helping each other really is key,

as everything gets easier and more enjoyable when we support one another.

So I'm initiating a couple of giving games here on Steemit.
I've already begun the "Thank You For Being" game,
which I'll mention more of later in this post.

I invite you now to join me in sharing

"Random Acts of Kindness"

This is how we'll play:

- Do something awesome for someone else (someone on or off of Steemit),
and make a post about it.
- Or, if someone does something awesome for you, you can write about that too.
- Or, if you see someone do something nice for someone else, share that.
- You can do anything for anyone, but ideally, that someone would not know about it, as part of the fun is in the unexpected surprise.
-Use the tag #RandomActsOfKindness.

The idea of making a post isn't to draw attention to yourself
for having done something for someone else,  
but to tune into the way it makes you feel,

if you saw the reaction of the receiver,

what a difference you made in their life, 

and to encourage other Steemians to do a random act of kindness of their own.


Before the creation of the @gardenofeden,
I used to make this a practice in my everyday life.
I found it helped me as much as it helped others.
Here are few things I've put into practice on my own:

- Buying an ice cream cone for the person in line behind me.
- Secretly paying for dinner for a couple in a restaurant
who reminded me of my elderly neighbors.
- Giving my coat to a homeless woman on the corner in a snow storm.
- Gifting a scarf, earrings and other articles of clothing
to someone who complimented me on them.
- Gifting my thermos of hot coffee to a man standing
next to his broken down car in a blizzard.
- Giving a wrapped present to an unsuspecting cranky child (with a cranky parent)
in the grocery store.
- Giving away free hand, foot and head massages on a whim.

Since the existence of the @gardenofeden,
I have been blessed in the amplified gift of giving.

The founder of the @gardenofeden, @quinneaker, has dedicated his life to the betterment of humanity, and holds space for helping others as a daily practice.

We get to feed the homeless,

families, single parents, children, elderly, the firemen and other locals in our community.

We also give clothing, shelter, education and more, all for free!!
We get to help meet their needs and make their day--which actually makes our day too.

Here are a couple of videos to get your giving juices flowing:


Here's also an opportunity to get in on the  
"Thank You For Being" game.

It's beginning to take off, as we share the appreciation we feel for each other!
It's such a feel-good game that keeps on giving.

I've already met some amazing people to appreciate,
and I'm honored to find that there are some people who appreciate me
that I didn't even know were in my circle of friends.
I've really been moved by this experience already, at times almost brought to tears.

I hope you'll enjoy playing this game with me
and feel the family vibe and connection we are experiencing through this form of expression.
You don't have to be invited to play, just check out my post
and the links below to feel  the power of love being shared here.

I hope it goes viral!


Your "Thank You For Being" invitation
Receiving my first "Thank You For Being" @everlove by @saramiller
"Thank You For Being" @quinneaker
"Thank You For Being" @qiqi-power
"Thank You For Being" @alexandravart by everlove
"Thank You For Being" @gardenofeden by @jr11
"Thank You For Being" @denniskonstantinby @alexandravart
"Thank You For Being" @everlove by @jr11
"Thank You For Being"  by @olawalium
"Thank You For Being My Child" by @metzli

It feels so good to receive the gift of giving.

I hope you'll take this opportunity to play the
"Random Acts of Kindness" game, and the "Thank You For Being"
game with me.  

What goes around, comes around.  
I hope we'll all be amazed at how rich our lives become.


I met @jr11 through the "Thank You For Being" game!

Helping the Homeless - Contest No. 1
DTube version of the Homeless Contest

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