Random Japan Index // The First Dozen

Steemit does many things right, but it does many things wrong too. Old content is more or less hidden and therefore somewhat inaccessible; furthermore, we are somewhat discouraged from caring about old content anyway, because, after all, we don’t get paid for anything older than 7 days.

I care about old content, though. And I want to make it easily available. Without any way to link in sidebars or menus, we are left with the idea of an index post, which is exactly what it sounds like: an index; or, in this case, an index of all the photos from the first dozen posts in this series.

Let’s keep this as simple as possible. Two sections: photos and posts. No titles for the photos. Each photo will be a link to the post that photo first appeared in. If you are interested in reading more about said photo, follow the link and read what I wrote about it in the original post. The post index will be a simple list of posts.

Whew. Too wordy. Sorry. Without further ado, on with the show.

The Photos

The Posts

  1. Intro and Dancing Torii
  2. Busy Night
  3. The Store of the Beast
  4. Like a Boss
  5. Swimming Hole Warning
  6. Gotta Be the Hat
  7. The Walls Have Eyes
  8. Star Wars Coffee and Silly Coffee Haiku
  9. The Sake Corner
  10. Study or Play
  11. Street Art
  12. Buying Tickets

And that is that. Any favorites? Needless to say, if you enjoyed anything here stick around for more daily posts and occasional index posts. Also follow #randomjapan and #randomasia for more great photos of random things from Japan and from Asia in general from my friends @kaliju, @kafkanarchy84, @maxinpower, @boxcarblue, and anyone else who wants to join in on the fun.

Hi there David LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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