Shary's Writing Prompt Contest #1

I love participating in contests especially those related to writing anything. I haven't participated in a lot of them here, but I have been in on a few and even becoming a part of a contest is a great feeling for me. I have been meaning to start my own contest for sometime but somehow I kept falling short of fulfilling this goal. Last night while trying to sleep, I decided that I won't delay it any further and tomorrow, I will start the contest I have been meaning to for some time so here I am with it.


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The Contest

The contest is quite simple. You have to write a story, essay or anything that you can think of ranging between 500 to 1000 words. It must have the following prompt used anywhere within the written piece and it must also follow the theme for the week. Here is the prompt and the theme for this week's contest:

Prompt: Every night in my dreams... (You can use it in the start, middle or end of a sentence.)

Theme: Thriller and Suspense

Since I plan to make this contest a weekly thing, I will be using the funny, romantic and other themes hopefully in the contests to come in the future. I do hope this one is received well by the community here so I can carry on with it.


There are a few rules that you need to follow to be eligible for participating in the contest:

  • The story/ written piece must be within 500 to 1000 words and must have the prompt used in it, and it must also comply with the given theme.

-The written piece must be your own creation. I will check all the articles for plagiarism and any sort of plagiarism if found will be reported to @steemcleaners.

-There is no compulsion for you to upvote this post. If you do upvote it, I'll be happy but even if you don't upvote it, it is perfectly fine. :) See I am still smiling.

-Do resteem this post so it gains more visibility and helps more people join on this challenge.

-Title the post 'Shary's Writing Prompt Contest #1' followed by whatever title you wish to give to your story.

-Make a post on the story and submit its link in the comments below.

-Make sure to post it by 1 next Friday i.e. 23rd February, 2019.

I will start the judging on Saturday and post results on the same day or a day later if I receive a lot of entries.

The Prize

The winner of the contest will win a prize of 5SBDs from me and 2 to 3 honorable mentions will receive 1SBD each. If this post does well and makes over $30, I'll add more SBD to the prize pool.

So guys, get started with it, get your creative juices flowing and produce some exciting stories. And oh yeah, one entry per person is allowed. :) I wish you all GOOD LUCK!!

Love and light,


Here are some of my article that may interest you:
You are My Funny Valentine <3

To Sleep or Not to Sleep, that is the Question....

Parents- Guiding Lights or Dictators?

Who am I??

One Smile and a Deep Breath to Quickly Fight Stress

Why I am Grateful for My Hardships...

Why Do We Attach Unnecessary Meaning to Everything??

Why is it Okay to Be a Little Selfish, Focus on Your Needs and Communicate them to Loved Ones

Batman & Jesus: Why do we fear debate?

My Scar Stories- Reminders of Many Different Memories

I am a part of the wonderful @ecotrain that aims to make this world a better place so do join it if that's your aim too..


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