How to navigate the minefield of social media

Why Am I Here?

Getting My Head Around Social


How to navigate the minefield of social media

Heads up

Where is my audience located?

Who really needs to know?

Why am I here?

What are the ethics, norms, etiquette?

How do I make this work?

Why Am I Here?

Keep in mind

         Social Media is an accelerator, an amplifier. 
  • Everything on the internet is social. E-mail, messaging, forums, chat rooms, private networks included.
  • Everyone is not socially literate or is online 24/7. Someone responded to my two year old birthday greeting is not necessarily being obnoxious. They may have just seen may have just seen it.
    Everything on the internet is stored, somewhere, even when I delete or edit it.
  • Are all my friends on Facebook my "friends"?
  • In Hyde Park, only my voice is heard. On the internet anyone can find me. Someone determined will find me.
  • I can't choose my relatives. I can choose my friends. Online and offline. So I must choose my online connections very carefully.

I am dependent on all those I interact with. Even Edward Snowden was forced to pole dance on the internet. Snowden was inadvertently outed by his girl-friend's social media storytelling. While Snowden was darkest black online; his lover was as bright as day on the net.

        I am on social media even though I do not have any social media account. 

Sir John Sawers' cover was blown: by an ethusiatic family & a doting wife.

  • Is there anything online that can be used against me? Someone will.

  • Am I on @steemit?

          Am I a jerk in the real world?  
          And think that I can hide behind the internet? 
          I will be unmasked as a jerk online as well. 

How to


  • Is this my real profile? An avatar?

           Am I using "netgeek" just to be cool? 
           To hide my identity? 
           Because of my anarchist beliefs? 
           To my mask criminal activity?
  • Am I using my own picture for my profile?

  • Am I the person represented by the eagle, baby, bear, star or slogan?

  • Does my profile image need a magnifying glass to identify whether it's me?

  • Am I using my best head shot for my thumbnails?

  • Do I use group pics or full length photographs for thumbnails?

  • +990 88 123 4567. Who am I?

  • Do I use my real name on WhatsApp?
    As part of the joint MrLoveyNMrsDovey Facebook account, who's birthday do I register?
    Mine or Mrs Dovey's?
    Is this post mine or is it Mrs Dovey's?

  • Is my new born at least 13 years old on his Facebook profile?
    Do I want to create a Facebook Page for our baby?

            R u over 30? plz. 
            Do I use plain English?
  • Have I posted a verifiable introduce yourself post on Steemit?


  • What have my connections opted in for?
    Tacitly or explicitly?

  • Do I LOL, ROFL or read out loud my children's posts to them?

  • Would I be happy if my mother, sister, wife or niece read my last post?

  • How would my superior or colleague react to this post?

  • Am I fully aware of the consequences of cultural insensitivity & political correctness, or lack of it?

  • Is this post, reponse or comment a battle that I am called to fight?

      "Oops! Sorry, I made a mistake."  
       Do I take down or delete the post? 
       Do I apologize and move on?
  • When in doubt. Do I?

  • What do I feel when I am spammed with junk posts & spam messages?

  • How will someone else feel when I spam them or flood them with junk?

  • Am I promoting my business on my personal profiles?

  • On this platform have my connections opted in to see my product promotions?
    Can I direct them to a business page where they have opted in to be solicited for business?

           Am I breaking the law?
           Which jurisdictions can I be sued under?
           Can this post send me to prision?
  • Am I tracking interactions with my post?
    Is someone abusing someone else in the comments to my post?
    Is someone saying something in a comment to my post that send them to prision?
    Send me to prision?

  • Do I know that 'free speech' is non-existent in large swathes of the planet?

  • Is my rant or excitement useful to the group or person that I am sending it to?

        Am I attempting to build a community?
  • Do I value my community?

  • Am I keen on building the Steemit community?

Beyond Social

   We are who we pretend to be, 
   so we must be careful who we pretend to be
   Kurt Vonnegut
  • Is my offline activity primarily determined by how I want to project myself online?

  • Am I the person I want to be?
    My loved ones want me to be?
    God wants Me to be?
    Do I look into the mirror?
    Do I ask other people?
    Do I ask God?

            "Take one more shot, please. 
             "We need to update our Facebook picture."
  • Is my social media presence taking precedence over the real world?
    Over flesh and blood people?

Why am I here?

Why are we on social media?
Why are we on Steemit?

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Kurt Vonnegut quote superimposed on image from “Eyes Wide Shut”. "Why Am I here?" image from Banksy. See also, Getting my head around social & Getting my head around social media

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