The role of role modelling as a driver of success

The Talent life cycle is conceptually simple but complex in execution. Talent is identified, recruited and managed. Sounds simple enough. It is far more complex than it sounds. We at SportsPodium is driven to give sports people the best chance possible. As such this life cycle is fundamental to what we do.

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We will discuss various aspects of this in later post, and in more detail, but for now I would like to focus on the early stage of a sports person’s journey, when they get into the sport, often at a very young age. This is the aspect of role modelling.

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From the very first steps we take as a human, in fact from when we open our eyes, we start modelling ourselves on our parents. Through observation and because they are our first heroes, we learn from them and want to be like them. This stays through us for the rest of our life, continuously seeking out role models to drive us. What is an amazing part of this process is that we want to beat or better the performance of these role models. Through techniques such as goal setting, we start this process, and keep going until talent gives out or desire fades and something else comes along.

Here is the problem, where is the information. How do I know what my hero, my role model did when he was my age. When a 13 year old gets on an athletics track or in a pool, they cannot compete with the Usian Bolt or Michael Phelps. What if they could however get the statistics, the actual times of these hero's when they where 13 years old. This will allow the sport stars of tomorrow the ability to compare themselves to the sports stars of today, but relative to the age they are currently. Now there is a target that is more real and tangible

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One of the great benefits of SportsPodium will be to build this data and statistics over time, allowing the ability to compare you to your role models at various age groups. This way, participants can plot a competitive path from the very early days of competing.

While this is hugely beneficial and motivating to the crop of rising talent, it is also a fun form of gamification for the less gifted or driven. Sport is about improving, and that means even if you are not overly competitive, the very nature of most people that does physical activity is to get better, thus competing with one self. Setting benchmarks and tracking progress relative to others is a fun way of doing this. You will also have the ability to measure yourself against the rest of the world as their will be a benchmark, specific to your age group and sporting discipline.

We have started this journey at SportsPodium three years ago with our proof of concept in rugby. The reaction of those we worked with was amazing and we cannot be more excited to bring this to the world at large. Watch for more about how we will get there in the next few weeks leading up to our Token Sale.

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