Should I introduce steemit to my audiences at performances? Will more steemians do us good?

A photo from my recent performance at an awards presentation event with an audience of over 400.

As a performer, I am in front of crowds of easily hundreds, if not thousands of people on a weekly basis. And after reading about many who are advocating the benefits of steemit and introducing it to friends, it made me wonder should I make casual mentions and introduce my audiences of the great alternative to all existing social media platforms?

Here's another photo at the same event with a better look of the audience.

Of course, I'm not planning a full-pledged presentation of steemit because as a performer, my job is really to entertain but I thought working in some mentions of steemit into my performances through jokes and during interaction might make people more aware and hopefully eventually checking out steemit on their own. As an entertainer on stage mentioning something as revolutionary as steemit, I feel the resistance will be low as it's clear that I don't have a personal agenda.

Will all who check out steemit eventually sign up for accounts? That I wouldn't know but I thought with enough reach, the odds are pretty good that a fair bit of them might actually start their steemit accounts.

I know some might be asking what good does it do for me?

Frankly I doubt and wasn't expecting any direct benefits for me, except for the potential growth of the steemit community.

And I'm guessing on my very layman understanding of the economics of things, is that when the steemit community grows, we will benefit as a whole. With more people vested in steem, the possibility of the value of steem rising is better. With a larger community of content contributing steemians, the information shared will be wider in variety and potentially more valuable. There is definitely power in numbers.

I am sure that the commual benefits will be greater and a longer list but the above should be the most direct on the surface.

Perhaps someone with better knowledge might be able to elaborate more on the advantages of the growth of steemit community and why we will all eventually benefit as a whole.

But ultimately, do you think it's actually a good idea for me to reach out to my audiences and inform them about steemit?

If I discover something that is good, it's most natural that I feel inclined to share the good news with more people, right?

My feeling is yes but would like to hear your thoughts.

We are all on a journey, remember to enjoy the sights and sounds along the way, and do good as much as possible.


Here's a few more from that little voice in my pea-brain head ;)








Here are some useful apps and resources that I use to keep track of my progress on steemit.
My favorite is and you will soon find out why ;)

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