800 Followers! I love you my Steemy family!!! 😏 You made me cry...

When I joined Steemit 17 days ago, I never thought I would meet so many amazing individuals.

thank you.png

17 DAYS! Holy kitten whiskers, Batman!

One piece of my original Steemit battle plan was to discuss the causes I am deeply believing in and bring awareness- I have been operating a Rescue Home for severely abused and discarded pets, and not very long ago my family and I were once discarded ourselves by society. I have received much hate in the physical world from people not wanting me to speak the truth about the growing homeless epidemic. I was prepared for hate and trolls. But I was not prepared for the support and encouragement I received.

Seriously, guys, I have shed tears after reading your comments. Your outpouring of care and compassion is something not found on any other social media. They are happy tears :) Well... sometimes heartbroken tears when I come across your tales of misfortune and pain... But I wear these tears, and all the smiles and laughs you have given me, too, as a badge of honor. I am humbled and honored to be a part of my Steemit family.

I also was eager to learn cryptocurrency, a newfound passion of mine. Which I am soaking up like a sponge- thanks for your posts on Crypto for us new kids. I feel I can safely say there are an influx of new Steemians who appreciate these consise and easy to follow posts for newbies!

And I wished to share little tidbits here and there, like Burano Italy and the legend of where lace came from - The old folktales are slipping to oblivion, but I feel they are super cool to know and I like sharing my random tidbits here and there for education AND entertainment :)

So, I had my battle plan but soon realized Steemit is a bit of a learning curve when you are a tiny baby minnow swimming in the great big ocean. But very soon I had several Bigger Fish helping me around the Steemit ocean and showing me the best currents. But most of all just being there. Many times you cannot do something for someone in a situation, but your being there is the greatest gift you could have given :)

So now in addition to bringing awareness to That Which is Not Spoken Of, and my Random Snacks, I share my knowledge with the New Kids in the Sea. From 🐡 to 🐋I am truly enjoying this journey with you!

It's a big Steemy world, and I am here to lend a fin wherever I can.


A few posts on how to Steemit RIGHT!
Grow and Succeed on Steemit with these tools
Engage your Steemit Followers
What NOT to do on Steemit
Be a Steemit Hero!
10 Hacks

Thank you again my friends. Your support and encouragement is deeply treasured. 🎁 💝

May the STEEM be with you!

May the Cryptos be ever in your favor!

If you Steemit, they will come...

Peace and Love and Steem my friends

animated-arrow-image-0534 Only TWO DAYS LEFT to enter to win $20 SBD!

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I ❤ your comments, questions and suggestions!


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