What Should You Write About? 7 Tips to Help You Find Ideas for Your Blog

Are you struggling with trying to come up with ideas for blog posts?

Do you have a lot in your head but can't seem to get one thing nailed down on the page?

Are you suffering with writers block?

It effects us all. Every one of us. From weekly bloggers to Steven King. Sometimes you just don't know what to say.

It can be frustrating, but you must not put too much pressure on yourself. It happens.

Here are sure tips to get the creative juices, and words, flowing like honey.

  • Relax. If you focus on the fact that you cannot come up with an idea, you will not be open to coming up with an idea ;)

  • Put it away and go do something else. Exercise, get a coffee, walk the dog- anything other than writing. It will take your mind off the pressure you are needlessly placing upon yourself and set your mind on something else, so when you come back to the page it is with fresh eyes.

  • Read something. The funnies. The news. A favorite poetry or inspirational book. Steemit posts in your feed. Reading something will help spark ideas.

  • Write what you know. What are people always asking you to tell them more about? Or, what do you wish others would ask about? If you are good at something or know a lot about a subject, write about it! Talk about it like you are explaining it to someone. There are many people looking for information on what you already know a lot about!

  • Get all the info down, then make it pretty. You have a lot of ideas swimming through your mind. Write them all down, no matter how unordered they are. Then group all the ideas with similar, then create compelling paragraphs from all the information.

  • What do you wish you could find on the web? Is there somethign you are dying to learn more about but have had little success finding on the internet? Chances are you are not the only one! Research the subject and write about it- guaranteed you will find readers!

  • Most of all, remember to be you. You are the best person for it ;)

Even if you’re only pretty good, but not a ninja, you’re still a ninja to someone ~ Sonia Simone

Happy writing Steemitzens!

What is your favorite way to beat writer's block? Share in the comments!

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Images via Pexels

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With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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