Improve Your Perspective on Your Life With This Creative Trick

Face it- you're biased. You are too close to the project so you cannot see it for its entirety. Your beliefs and opinions about yourself are warped.

But that's ok! It's perfectly natural. However, in order to grow creatively, you must expand your horizons and see things from a different perspective.

Have you ever written a bio? A few sentences about yourself such as the ones you'd find on a book jacket about the author? It would say the very best things; what you like to do, a brief list of your accomplishments. John Doe is an accomplished author and life coach. He overcame adversity... Faced challenges and won at life... lives in the self sufficient cabin he built in the mountains of Montana with his devoted wife, three sweet children, and champion bloodhound dogs...

Of course you are going to write only the veryiest bestest about yourself and portray yourself in the brightest light available!

If you have never created a bio for yourself, do so now. Pretend you are the author of the hottest New York Times bestseller and write a paragraph or two as you would have it appear on your book cover.

But now you're going to do something to broaden your perspective of you, and maybe even make you face a few ignored truths. It might be a little uncomfortable, just use your judgement as to how far you wish to go if this is a touchy subject.

Be real, be honest, and take a look at yourself from the eyes of different people.

And write three bios.

Write one bio from the point of view of a neutral person. Someone who neither loves you nor hates you. An objective view from a neutral party.

Then write one describing you from the POV of a jealous person. They are impressed by your accomplishments and embellish your achievements.

Finally, write a bio from the perspective of a person who hates you. Detail everything they would say about you from their unique point of view.

This fun little exercise will humble you and bring to light some things you usually keep under the covers. It is uniquely effective in getting your creativity flowing, and opening your mind to a variety of viewpoints- which will help you in many areas of your life.

Write on Steemmates!

Images via Pixabay

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With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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