How to Buy a Car with STEEM, Bitcoin, or any Crypto!

You can make a large purchase like a car or a house with crypto, I did this week! But you must have a strategy! I bought a Jeep Cherokee from a dealership even though most of my earnings are in crypto!

A large portion of my freelance writer earnings are paid in the form of cryptocurrency. My truck was stolen a while ago so I finally was in a financial position to buy a new one this month. I did my research and decided on a Jeep, which is one of my favorite vehicles. Tough, safe, and comfortable, you can't go wrong with Jeep.

I have zero credit. Nada. Zilch. My Grandpa taught me to never spend beyond my means, and to never get a credit card except for absolute emergencies. He was a millionaire so I listened to him and never applied for credit.

This month I learned that you cannot do much without a high credit score. My lack of credit is almost the same as bad credit, and nobody wants to take a chance on people like me.

I have lived in the same place for awhile, earned good money with a flawless job history- even though I am freelance and work at home my bank statements show consistent income for years and ability to make payments. I also asked a few editors and clients to write letters of recommendation. So, armed with this beautiful array of proof of hard working'ness and loyalty and on-time bill payment, I went shopping.

The first dealership loved my bank statements and letters and residency. This overruled my 0 credit score. They brought my Jeep of choice halfway across the state of Washington for me, and asked me to bring my license, proof of insurance, and paycheck stubs or W-2's and we would sign the deal and get me in my new vehicle that afternoon. I reminded Bill the Salesman that I was freelance and did not possess these things. He asked me how I could provide proof of payment. I told him I thought my bank statements were enough as he had said. He said his manager needed more, like where the money came from. I explained some clients paid me via PayPal, some via Direct Bank Transfer, but most were crypto so I used Bittrex to trade SBD for BTC and then Coinbase to convert BTC to USD and transfer to my bank. I said I could provide screenshots of all transactions. He said not to come yet, he had to tell his manager this and see if it was enough.

He didn't call me back for hours, nor return my calls as he had been every other time. I sweet-talked another salesman into giving me Bill's cell # and when he answered I said who I was and before I could get another word out he freaked out on me, telling me that bitcoin is a scam, it's not real, and his fine dealership would never associate with such a sham as cryptocurrency. I tried reasoning with him, arguing with him... nothing worked- they absolutely would not sell me a car even though I had proof I could pay each month and made ten times more than the payment!

Basically, as soon as they heard the word "Bitcoin" they flipped their lids and I suddenly was shady... I was a great potential customer up until that point...

I learned my lesson really quick. The next Jeep/Chrysler dealership: I did the same things, but never mentioned bitcoin, STEEM, or cryptocurrency in general. I showed them all the same things, they even saw Coinbase on my bank statements- I simply said it is a way clients can pay freelancers. They looked at a lot of my writing work online, saw I was hardworking and consistent, noticed the fact I can keep up with my payments, and I went home with my Jeep that evening.

How do you buy a car with crypto?

By never mentioning crypto.

It's sad we have to omit this information. I am proud that I can pay bills with crypto!

I bought my car with crypto! I want a bumper sticker that says so! I want to tell the world!!!

Unfortunately, most people are not crypto friendly, and most still think it's fake or a scam. If you earn a decent part of your income in crypto you have to get creative and figure out how not to tell "them" this so that you can make your purchaseand enjoy your life ;)

What difficulties have you had with crypto and purchases? Please share in the comments!

Happy earnings my beautiful crypto friends!

Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡


With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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