Steemit is the Future of Paying People to Advanced Your Evolution!

The Future is Steemit

So I read about this theory in a book written in 1993. It is an almost exact description of Steemit. It says that as we continue to develop the human race, we will start to see the importance of people who give us messages... information that advances our spiritual evolution and intellectual development. We will all become more aware of and connected to our personal evolution.

People will stop being so consumer-oriented ... so driven to own things to simply define themselves. They will work less ... and turn that energy to advancing their spiritual and personal evolution. You will see this in the creation of fewer jobs that require human labor and more jobs that rely on automation and technology.

When people come into our lives at the exact right moment to supply the answers we need, we should pay them ... because they give us our next awakening message. They show us our next growth step. These help us advance ourselves profoundly. This could become a main source of exchanging money in the future when there are a lot fewer conventional jobs in our societies.

When someone gives you information, a profound message that wakes you up to your own potential, they help you open up the next step on your own evolving path. Your life takes on a deeper spiritual dimension, and you grow as a human being.

This energy helps you be your best by igniting your intelligence and your intuition. It connects you to your true purpose. This theory holds that you should pay people for this because money is an exchange of energy and this empowers not only the experience you receive but completes the circle by returning positive energy to the messenger.

When I spoke to a friend about this, I could not believe this is what is happening in the world now. In general you do offer to pay people that provide you value. When I think of the way many social media platforms work now, this is exactly how it happens. On YouTube, Twitch and other platforms, people tip/donate to the creators for giving them value ... or just because they were entertained. (That still fills them with positive energy!)

Why Steemit is the Future

On our Steemit platform, we pay each other for adding value to our lives. Steemit is the most positive, educational platform I have ever been on. It really teaches people what they want to learn and we pay those teachers -- the people who give us the knowledge we seek -- for providing that positive insight that ultimately changes our lives.

We compensate those essential teachers through Steemit. This is exactly what was described in the book, The Celestine Prophecy.

Our system here in Steemit is the future of exchanging money for the profound insight we need to evolve and grow as human beings ... ready to tackle the challenges of a changing future.

Watch my video

What do you think? Is this the future to advance our evolution ... exchanging money for messages and timely information?


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