Where Does Success Begin?

We all know what the most important aspect is in our lives, it is Health. That is exactly where success begins because what happens when you are not feeling well? You do not care about anything else in the world besides getting better. Without having your wellness you cannot have success within yourself or in the world.

Health is the Source of All Your Power

The way you feel when you wake up first thing in the morning is what will determine how much you can get done that day. Your health impacts directly on your mood, your ability to complete physically or mentally demanding tasks and even your looks. Then there’s the fact that your health will determine how long you live and the quality of your life during that span.

Health is the single most important thing to consider if you want to make life objectively better. And yet it’s something that many of us don’t give any thought to. Most of us will give far more focus to our careers, whether or not the house is tidy and what our friends think of us than we will to our physical strength, the condition of our heart or how much body fat we’re carrying around.

Many of us will drive to work every day and spend all day sitting in an office in a hunched position while feeling very stressed. We come home and eat a ready-made meal which is packed with salt and sugar and zero nutrients and then we crash out on the couch before having a fitful and all-too-brief night’s sleep.

Then we wonder why we are overweight, unattractive, tired, depressed and prone to illness. The big problem is that many of us don’t know how to go about fixing this problem and becoming healthier. And moreover, many of us think that getting into a healthy place is going to involve a large amount of work and effort, too much for us to attempt.

Maybe you’ve had a go at a new training program or diet at some point and found that it didn’t provide the results you were looking for? Or maybe you gave it a go and then just ran out of energy early on?

One thing is for certain, all it takes it consistency. It is a life style, not a ton of effort. And when we are behind on our fitness and health, we need patience to attain our goals.

Fixing Your Fitness

The mistake that most people make when trying to improve their health and fitness is that they aim too high. Their objective is often to try and transform their bodies into these athletic specimens that they see on magazine covers when they are currently barely able to make it up the stairs.

This is particularly apparent when running. Lots of people give up on running because they find it horrible. And they find it horrible because they push themselves too hard, they run too fast and too far because they want to become top runners or they want to burn thousands of calories.

But the best approach to running is to first simply focus on becoming better at running. Better yet, you should learn to like running. To do this, you should go for shorter runs to begin with and you should take them more slowly. Go for a light jog through a scenic area and come home as soon as you stop enjoying it. Do this regularly enough and you’ll eventually start to enjoy and look forward to those runs. This is when they can start to transform your fitness and your lifestyle.

Don't Aim High at First

Really you do not even need to aim that high but just get moving. Do what you like and it will make it all that more satisfying. We are meant to pump our blood and oxygen and this can be achieved simply but walking. Put a little burst into your walk if you can but generally we do not need to kill ourselves to burn calories.

Consider Resistance Training

If you do want to push yourself though, another great type of exercise to start up then is resistance training AKA weight lifting. Weightlifting can transform your life and this is something that far more people should consider

Many women and men in fact will turn away from the idea of weight lifting because they don’t want to become overly bulky or muscular. The point that these people are missing, is that it is impossible to ‘accidentally’ become too bulky or muscular. Arnold Schwarzenegger did not get to his size by accident! Rather, in order to get to that kind of size, you need intensive training and work.

A more moderate training program will simply give you tone, power and greater control over your body. And guess what? Building muscle will help you to lose a lot of weight because simply having muscle will increase your metabolism to the point that you’ll be burning more calories even as you sleep. Oh, and it also gives you the ideal proportions you want.

There’s no reason to push yourself beyond what you find enjoyable.

You may even just consider taking up a class such as martial arts, dance or something else active that will get you into shape. As long as you are moving, you will be doing what needs to be done. Get your body active to have your system producing how it should be, instead of lying around withering away.

Tune in tomorrow as we discuss, How to Think about Food!


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