Humans are Creatures of Habit

We have evolved over countless years to like routine, to appreciate predictability and to become ingrained in a certain series of events.

Most of us have a routine that we pretty much follow every single day. We might start our day by waking up, making breakfast, having a shower, getting dressed and then playing with our phones while we sip cup of coffee before running out the door.

You probably have a similar routine in the evening, which might involve making dinner, watching some TV, having a shower and then reading a book in bed. You probably go to bed at roughly the same time every day.

Science Breakdown

This is no coincidence. This comes down to the entire way we are hardwired. The way our brains work and the way our biology operates. Repeating the same actions or thoughts over and over again essentially means that we are repeatedly using the same neuronal pathways and causing the same connections to light up and fire. If you repeat one action followed by another often enough, then often they will become so ingrained as to become automatic and beyond our conscious control.

This is also why severely brain damaged individuals who can’t remember their own name might still be able to play the piano perfectly. Some can do this despite even not knowing that they can play the piano! The simple fact is that the motor neurons are hardwired over years of practice.


Our biology is based entirely around rhythms and patterns. The sun rises at a certain time and this triggers the release of cortisol and nitric oxide. These neurotransmitters trigger a cascade of activity throughout the brain which makes us
more awake and active. Then we eat and this slows us down slightly again and gets us ready for work.

After 4pm, our lunch settles in and we start to become slower and more sluggish thanks to a dose of melatonin and serotonin. By the time the sun starts to go down, we are producing more melatonin and the build up of adenosine in our brain is making it harder and harder to think.

If you get up at a different time, if the sun rises at a different time, or if you eat a bigger meal, then this can throw that whole routine out of whack and as a result you’ll feel “off”.

Watch my video

In Conclusion to this Science Stuff

The more we repeat the same behavior over and over, the harder it is for us to change that behavior. It is important to remember that behaviors are what shape our lives, to have and achieve exactly what we want.

If the behavior involves smoking, then this will not be good. But if the behavior involves going to the gym, then it’s excellent news. I have been working out for 5 days a week for a decade ever since I’ve had a herniated disc from a car accident. I now find it almost impossible to stop. It’s a part of who I am and it’s no effort for me to go to the gym.

Harnessing the power of habit can be a powerful tool in helping you to get whatever you want from life: whether that’s a better body or a richer bank account.

The question is how you go about forming those habits…Tune in tomorrow as we discuss this!


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