Why Your Friends Will Shape Your Future?

Everything that we see or hear has an influence in our lives. This is even more apparent of course with the people that our closest to us and we see more often. So we should definitely consider having the most beneficial people in our lives that can bring us the outcomes we desire.

We only live once and who you meet first in life does not have to become a life partner. Often we may give too much power to the people that have been in our lives, even for a short time period. Then we end up keeping them around when we know they are affecting us in a negative way.

Achieving Success

When I think about my friends, for me it has a ton to do with success. What are we doing and talking about? Is what we're involved in beneficial or are we just wasting our time away?

Many people have friends for only leisure fun, to let go after work and unwind with watching sports or entertainment. Where is your time being spent for majority of your life then? Is this helping you grow as a person, do they give you beneficial advice on how to achieve your current and long term goals?

If you have people that are highly professional in positions that you want to attain or people that you want to be like, you will have extraordinary better chances of accomplishing those goals and becoming that person. You should always be striving to reach your full potential in life because that is how you will get the most out of it.

Communication - Monkey See, Monkey Do

Why will your friends shape your future? When your with friend(s), the leader or one with the most influence will continue to sway you into how you should live your life. Let's go and do this tonight, I am sick of my life, our husbands or wives are not treating us right, let's go out on the town.

You will start to adapt to there standards and morals in life. As much as you think for yourself, the more you hear something, the more true you tend to believe it to be. If your friends do not have the same aspirations, attitude, positive outlook in life, then the more it will drag you down. This will not only decrease your productivity but shape you into somebody you never wanted to become.

We often trust people who are in our lives much more than we should. They have a strong energy sense and a powerful hold against us at times. This is why word of mouth is the best selling tool in sales. We tend to give more power to the power we know and this could be even someone we just met recently and is now apart of our lives. If we have people around us who have bad intentions, lives we don't want, outlooks we don't appreciated then you can see how this will shape us in a negative way.

Keeping People Around

You do not need to keep people around because of how long you've know them or because they are the only people you know. This is quite foolish and many people tend to do this because of guilt they feel. You do not owe anybody anything in life. Anyone who truly cares for you will respect all decisions you make in life, even if that means removing them.

There are too many great people in this world to waste it away on people that should not matter in your life. Keeping people around could just be hurting you and the growth of the other person. You can find thousands of people that will support you through thick and thin, be a great influential guidance, or have the standards or success that you want to attain.

We should all take a roll call of who is in our lives and how they benefit us. Are they helping me with career or my business life? Are they just in my personal life and are they helping that aspect in a positive way? Many times we have a lot of dead weight friends in our lives because of insecurities we have and they could just be around for there own benefits. If they don't have their priorities set, this will just bring you into that same category.

Good friends will keep you living happier, longer, and help you reach your full potential. We only live one life, so wouldn't you want to live it to the fullest?


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