200 Followers! A Milestone for a 12 Day Old Steemie.

12 Days

12 days ago, I started Steemit. Not knowing a thing about Cryptocurrencies (other than what husband, @smitty, had excitedly told me about.), a thing about Steemit, or what sort of value it could bring to my life.

I am a 12 day old Steemie and I have made over 200 followers!

Last night I got my 200th follower from @teotwawkiman *(he makes great blogs/vlogs about prepping and survival, if you don't follow him yet!)*.

12 days doesn't sound like a real long time, I may even sound like a young high schooler in love with her first "real" boyfriend. Actually, that's kind of exactly how this feels.

In these 12 days I have made these 200 (and 7) followers. I have already gotten to know people that I already consider friends, people I would let crash on my couch if they were ever in the area.

I have been blogging off and on for around the last 15 years. On different platforms from the utter basics to the most complicated. I have tried to create a following with whatever I am interested in at the time. I have tried to get some sort of financial compensation but it never seemed to click for me. Everything I've done in the past on this similar wavelength has always drifted off to the wayside.

In these 12 days I have felt more community and support than I have in the two years I have lived back in the US and in THIS physical space. I have never in my life felt like there were actual people out there, REALLY and truly interested in what I have to say. I feel truly accepted, encouraged, and valued. Not many have that pleasure.

I have high hopes for Steemit and my ability to stay motivated to post (my goal is once a day, but maybe not on Saturday and Sunday as they are farm-project days!) about real things that I am interested in. About things that I think bring value to my life, and hopefully to yours too.

So I must thank you for clicking that follow button, for interacting with me, telling me about your day, asking me about mine, and inviting me to be a part of your community. I am excited to come onto Steemit every day to see who has posted what, who posted something I can learn from, and who needs me to read their story.

I'm here for you, friends - Just like you're here for me.
My heart feels full.

thank you

Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Check out my most recent Steemit Posts.

Blog Series

  • Nature on the Farmstead - These posts will be educational and informative about the nature that happens on my farmstead. Look forward to posts about wild animals, birds, wildflowers and plants, insects, and more!
  • Just click here to see all my posts in one place!

By @daddykirbs

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