Introducing, THE DOG! (#introduceyourdog - Make this hashtag a thing!)

The story of finding my dog is a short but sweet one.

Koodge in his lifejacket

Ain't he cute?!

Husband and I had just moved to Germany and a couple months in, we knew that husband would deploy some time in the near future. So I wanted to get myself a companion. Looking around online, we found this guy for free. I immediately fell head over heals and knew I had to get him.

We made time to meet with the other military couple and as soon as I walked in the door he was right by my side. He wouldn't leave it, not even when the old owners gave him the command. He was all about standing right by me. We were told that his name was "Kujo"

... yes... Like THAT Kujo... (Don't worry, that name did NOT stick - how awful, right?)


DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A KUJO TO YOU?! I didn't think so!

We asked the owners if we could take "Kujo" on a walk and discuss what we'd like to do, they allowed it. I didn't need to discuss much, but, I wanted to talk over Kujo's behavior. We noticed he did some obsessive things with a frisbee they had. It was laying on the ground with the bowl portion facing down and he was obsessively scratching over it. I thought this was a bit weird, but old owners were allowing it. Whatever. On our walk we noticed that he had the runs, bad. Come to find out, they were feeding him KIBBLES'N'BITS. I mean, I know the military pay is crap, but c'mon.

Puppy at the beachPuppy at the beach 2

We had to think of a good name for him, but really hated the idea of completely changing it. So... We kept the first part, so, Kujo without the O sound, and we spell it Koodge. He's a silly guy, and his name fits him perfectly!

This poor guy was a mere 35 lbs on a 55 lb body. I knew I had to take him home. When we got back inside and told them we would take him. They said that they changed their mind about the price and wanted $80 for him. We saw his condition and said "Sure, whatever, we'd like to take him now". So we did. $80 lighter and a whole lot of love heavier. I can say that after 6 years, he sure was worth it.


But he is really good at taking up 90% of the couch

Since having him, we've found things out like... He's got severe separation anxiety, he's way too possessive over things like frisbees, and we just cannot train him not to pull on the leash. Over all... he's a damn good dog. Now that he's with us, he's traveled from Germany back to Oregon (USA) and he's on a 20 acre farmstead. He gets to do things like, run, nap, and does a really good job at watching over the chickens.

Awe look he's even sitting pretty!Such a good watcher-over-er

He's been really great with the chickens!

Sometimes he helps us round up the chickens to get them back in the coop at night. For having an abusive first year of his life, moving from one country to another (TWICE), and then two more moves in Oregon, he's such a good dog. He does miss being able to go into restaurants with us (in Germany dogs are allowed in restaurants). He is my Emotional Support Animal so thankfully he was allowed in the cabin of the airplane with us on the flight back from Germany. He did such a good job.

Really, he chose us. I know that sounds completely corny. How can you deny it if even at his (old) home he stood by my side and never left?


He will forever be by our side

It was funny in Germany. Many Germans asked us if he was a "killer dog" because Pitties aren't allowed in Germany. Yeah, we think he's a beagle pit mix, but, no... Haha, no, he's not a killer dog.

Do you have a dog or animal that chose you? I'd love to see!
Does your dog bode well with your other small animal or livestock?

I'm also proposing a new hashtag #introduceyourdog - my buddy @cryptodan came up with it. I think it's great, since we all love dogs. Haha

As always, @farmstead here! With Koodge this time!


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