On Getting Caught Up in Drama


We've all done it, got caught up in drama over something we're passionate or frustrated about.

This is something I've always struggled with and constantly have to check myself to make sure I'm on the right path.

But I hiccup, sometimes I fail to keep myself in check and look back to realize my mistake. It happens every once in a while and as it turns out, it disappoints me.

I'm not sure why it's so easy to get caught up in something like this, but I know it's something that is a constant struggle for me.

I guess, you always just want to be one of the cool kids! You wanna be accepted and it's easy to lose who you are for a second.

Recently, I've done it here on Steemit because of a frustrating point that I endured. I don't like that I did it. It happened tho, and I'm upset with myself that I crossed a line that I drew in the sand for myself.

It is my goal here to be open and honest with you guys, and this is one of my faults. I hope to realize my mistakes BEFORE making them, haha. Hindsight is always 20/20 as they say.

I dunno, this might lose me good followers and support but, since it is my goal to be honest with you, here it is.

Again, I resolve to be better. I am treating Steemit like my job so...

What I can do better:

  • Maintain a positive attitude.
  • Keep mouth shut when frustrated. Take time to think before saying.
  • Realize appropriate vs. inappropriate venues for voicing concern or frustrations.
  • Give more praise.
  • Try and realize a drama sink hole before I jump in.

i forget the plant name

What can you do better on Steemit today to help yourself and others?

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Such a dismal post after such a great day yesterday. Forgive me, friends!

Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Check out my most recent Steemit Posts.

Blog Series

  • Nature on the Farmstead - These posts will be educational and informative about the nature that happens on my farmstead. Look forward to posts about wild animals, birds, wildflowers and plants, insects, and more!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!

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