One Month Steem-a-versary! 400 Followers! (nearly)

Today is my one month Steem-a-versary! Which is great! I am glad to have stuck it out this long because I have found many fantastic people. It's actually a little ridiculous how amazing the Steemit community is overall.

one month

I did start out thinking I would be making an easy buck. However, I came just days before HF19 and that proved to be real untrue quickly. But now, I am thinking, I will be making good friends and learning amazing things. That is why, even though posts are not making earnings, Steemit is still great.

So hmmm, let's see what's gone on with my posts. I think it will be interesting to see which posts have gotten the most earnings, upvotes, and comments. So, let's see.

Most Comments:

Comments are my favorite. They're really important to me and is how I feel like my content meant something to someone. Of course, yes, yay earnings, however, genuine comments are what builds community and friendships.

    • Of course, half of those comments are my own because I aim to respond to each comment (though, I do not respond to comments like "Follow me!" lol). This was a great post to have so many comments on because I was really EGGSTREMELY EGGCITED!! And I am so glad that everyone who came over to comment and egg me on in my eggcitement!
  2. Introducing The Farmstead 86 Comments
    • Of course an introduction post deserves quite a few comments! I was astounded at how many people took the time to welcome me to Steemit.
  3. 200 Followers! A Milestone for a 12 Day Old Steemie. 72 Comments
    • Most of these comments said "Congratulations". Haha. I guess they count? ;)

Most Upvotes:

Upvotes are also great, I realize THEY are what make earnings. However, it means that whoever clicked it felt like my post was valuable enough for them to give me a little something for it. Whether your upvote is worth nothing or $5, I appreciate them all the same.

  1. Introducing The Farmstead 67 Upvotes.
  3. Markdown Editors - Post Formatting Made Easier 62 upvotes.
    • This was a good post, in my opinion. I made it because the editor in Steemit makes me grumpy cause it always gives me a hard time with something or other. So I went searching for other ways to make my post. I am happy with and still use! I tell everyone to use it all the time!

Highest Earnings:

Earnings are what brought me here. I think really they are what brought everyone here in the beginning. Earnings are important to me, but they're not the most important thing here in Steemit. Though, I am excited to gain enough earnings to get my slider, and so that I can put forth some financial means to do more projects on my farmstead.

  1. Introducing The Farmstead Earnings of $212.41.
    • This post was put up right before HF19, and closed a few days after HF19 was implemented. That might give you an idea of why this particular post earned so much money. I was surprised, and it kind of gave me a false sense of what I could do here. Haha. It also kind of skews everything - statistics wise.
  2. Hopes and Intentions Earnings of $55.76.
    • I think this post earned so much because of my honesty. It really fit in at the time, and I enjoyed writing it. I really and still want to be transparent with you guys to see where I come from and what kind of person you are helping to support.
  3. Why Steemit is Great for Your Homestead Earnings of $37.27.
    • This has to be one of my favorite - helpful - posts thus far. It's important to be able to have multiple revenue streams as a homesteader. Just incase something else falls through, you've got a little something else to work with. This was a really easy post for me to write because it just came flowing from my fingertips. I really enjoyed writing this one.

Some Posts I'm Surprised Didn't Gain Traction:

  1. Brewer's Blackbirds aka Crap Nuggets [Nature on the Farmstead #4]
    • I am surprised my Nature on the Farmstead posts don't get more interest. I need to keep them going because I do find them interesting. I am mostly surprised this one in particular didn't because, I thought it was funny. Haha.
  2. My Hell's Kitchen - as Told By Husband
    • Now THIS is a funny story. My husband is a great story teller and he is also a funny guy if you get him cornered. Well this is one of my favorite stories that's been told of our marriage. I laugh every time.
  3. The Time I Nearly Lost a Quail to the Grasslands [FUNNY]
    • This one is still open for three more days, but, man, I can just imagine the people laughing at me thinking about how I would look running around my yard chasing after a little jerk quail. It's funny. I think it's funny. Maybe what I think is funny isn't actually all that funny?? Hmm. I am noticing a trend...

Now what? Well, I am going to just keep doing what I am doing. Maybe not write "funny posts"? Hahah - Kidding. But, I've been having so much fun here. I have learned so many new things, found new people to befriend, and have been having a blast over at @steemitbc.

Do the above things REALLY matter? Well yes, they are some things that keep me going, specially the interaction. The interaction is what is most important to me. I love finding out that people have learned something new from me. And it's so great to be following people that I genuinely look forward to their posts every day.

I have made friends in one month that seem like family. Steemit is a pretty amazing place. I am an open book. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! I am here to make connections, network, learn, make friends, and yes, make a tiny bit of $ if I can. I am still thankful for whatever a post does make because it will help me and other people in the long run.

In any case, I hope you stick with me, because my (mis)adventures are hilarious, I hope to share knowledge, build friendships and Community. Much love friends!

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Yes, I will admit to you that I am, in fact, wearing the same shirt as I did yesterday... We worked on the quail pen! No use in wearing a clean shirt! Hahahah Or pants... SHHHHH

Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Check out my most recent Steemit Posts.

Blog Series

  • Nature on the Farmstead - These posts will be educational and informative about the nature that happens on my farmstead. Look forward to posts about wild animals, birds, wildflowers and plants, insects, and more!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!

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