In our two months+ on Steemit, we've revealed a glimpse of what we do at the Garden of Eden.
From gardening to cooking to mastering the homesteading arts, from sustainable building to repurposing trash to creating art, from new paradigm parenting to community building, we have given you a taste of what goes on in our little eco-village.
And there's so much more!
We have been building a new economy for many years, and it's exciting to see Steemit and the Peerhub Marketplace come out and offer services that align with our values. We've jumped full steem ahead into the revolutionary potential of this eco-system and have brought many of our truly unique, one-of-a-kind, epic handmade treasures to the forum, offering them by exchange for SBD donations towards our cause of feeding, clothing, housing, and educating more people than ever before. We're proud to be the top seller on Peerhub already!
We've shown you some of our goods and introduced you to our mission and high standards of building a better world for ALL, but still we fall short of the full GOE download.
We make Epic Handmade Knives.

Feast your eyes!

These are seriously sexy blades.

Self-sufficiency is true sustainability, and a knife is elemental for a self-sufficient existence.

Are you drooling yet?

A knife is obviously a practical and wise investment that can serve many purposes and even potentially save your life, but these EPIC HANDMADE KNIVES are even more than that: the funds from these investments go directly towards building a better world for ALL while strengthening the value of the Steem Dollar and the Steemit economy!

These specimens are now available on Peerhub! We will continue to release more throughout the season!