Facebook In Trouble | RIGHT TIME For Steemit To Move In

Facebook is in major trouble although they fired their working partner who had harvested and used the data of millions of people for illegal purposes. For those who may not know a company called Cambridge Analytica collected data that originated from Facebook that they have been using in election campaigns around the world including the US Presidential elections. The news has gone viral and has shocked the world.

The main aspect of Facebook being highlighted by the people and in the media is how one single website can have the detailed personal data of billions of people and there be no restrictions or laws around it. There was a time when Facebook was looked upon as a savior that even helped in facilitating revolutions in many parts of the world. The same company is now too powerful for any country or individual to control. It also calls its own shots using data that they have acquired through the social networking features that ordinary people use every day.

With the increased awareness of the blockchain it is high time that Steemit was offered as a viable alternative to Facebook or other social media platforms. On the blockchain it is the user who controls his own information and transactions and not any third party. With the use of the blockchain there is no question of a monopoly of one or a group of companies taking the risk of personal information being used for commercial purposes away.

For anyone who has any doubts about anything he can view the transactions and events in the blockchain to ascertain the true picture. Every transaction has a date and time to it which is invaluable for tracing any type of repeat transactions.

What is happening with regard to Facebook and the data breach with Cambridge Analytica can never happen on a blockchain. Any information about you that has to be given to a third party has to be permitted by you. You can even claim monetary rewards for offering your data to third party.

There is a huge backlash happening against Facebook and many of their users are deactivating their accounts in the fear that their personal data will be sold off to someone, or even worse may be used against them in some way including crime.

This is not the first and last incident like this. These data breaches will keep happening until time that the blockchain is not adopted en masse by companies and accepted by the people as the way of the future.

I know that Steemit is still in beta. Several issues are yet to be addressed including flag wars and low quality content appearing on top of all feeds. Anyone considering an alternative to Facebook with so much dirty linen being washed in public may definitely pay Steemit a visit. What he or she sees and feels about Steemit may not exactly make him too excited except that fact that there are rewards for posts.

Money is not everything. Steemit needs to offer a positive and much superior experience for Facebook users to move in large numbers, especially when the time is ripe. I only hope Steemit issues are addressed as soon as possible and major improvements are made so that it is easily accepted as a viable alternative.

(¯`•._ _.•´¯)

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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy

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