[Steemit Tips]Get MORE READERS For Your Content

You spend hours crafting your blog post and then when you publish it you get views but no comments. Not many upvotes and no resteem either. It is enough to discourage new bloggers and even make them leave the platform.

Think of this first - What are visitors to your blog looking for?

In this post I will list out some of the aspects that readers look for when they land on your post. These tips will help you create posts that will retain the readers till the very last word in the post.


When it comes to browsers on Steemit they scan rather than read. One look at your content and they know whether they want to skim through your content or not. Speed is of great essence to the Steemit reader.

Make your content brief and to the point. No one has time on Steemit to go through content that extends to thousands of words. If you beat around the bush with a lot of fluff in your post the reader will beat it first and click out of your blog.

If you really have a lot to say, maybe because it is a complex topic that you're writing on, it may be better to write a series of short posts. This will also ensure that you have captive readers who will want to read the next post in the series.


The next thing to do is to make sure that your content provides something useful or entertaining to the reader. After creating your post ask yourself whether you have presented something that will help the reader or will make him smile.

If the answer is in the negative and there is nothing really useful or something that will entertain the reader, do not publish the post. Instead you could recreate the post to include useful information and publish the post.

Break Text

I have seen many posts on Steemit that are presented in the form of one single mass of text which do not have any break in the text. Such posts look monotonous and unreadable. Use images, line dividers and breaks in the form if short paragraphs. This makes the post readable and also looks pleasing to the eye.

Paragraphs must be not more than 3 or 4 sentences long and should be grouped according points.

Using sub headings in your post is also a good way to break your content into digestible chunks. Make sure that the sub headings are in a size larger than the normal text or in bold text.


Bullet points are very useful for step by step tutorials and posts where you are describing a sequence of tasks. They are very attractive in a blog post and create an irresistible urge for the reader to read them.

Typically, there could be 5 to 8 bullet points. Giving too many bullet pints may be an overkill. Remember you have to keep things simple and brief so that you can retain the reader till the end of the post.


In case you have left out details because it may make the post longer than it should be, provide links to where the reader can find those details. Providing links to more related content is also appreciated by readers since they can easily find more content.

If you are recommending a service or tool that you use to the reader it is okay to insert an affiliate link in the post. But at the same time don't put too many affiliate links since it can seem too promotional and could turn away readers.


Format the text in left aligned paragraphs which looks best and more professional on blogs. Images, gifs and dividers should be properly centered to give the post a neat and orderly look.

Well formatted posts have a higher chance of being read in full and commented on. It will be apparent from the formatting that you have spent some time creating the post.

I do hope that these tips are useful and helps you retain readers and make followers. Wish you all the best with your blog!

(¯`•._ _.•´¯)

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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy, Canva

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