Is Commenting Better Than Posting On Your Blog?

I remember when I joined Steemit the first few days were spent only on commenting. I was warming myself up for creating my first blog post. More than that I felt it was no use publishing a blog post with no followers and no way of promoting it except spamming the chat groups.

Over the months I have come to respect the commenting activity on Steemit, without which the platform would not be so interactive. I am a member of many chat rooms and Discord channels but honestly, I find commenting on Steemit better than the not so relevant chats off the platform. After all, the action is on Steemit, not elsewhere!


Here are some facts pertaining to commenting that many users may not be aware of.

Be Part of the Community

First and foremost you must remember that Steemit is a large community and if you do not comment on others' posts you are not engaging with other users. On a social platform engagement is most essential and if you only put out blog posts without commenting you are missing an important activity.


Same as Posts

Steemit has given as much importance to comments as for blog posts by including the definition of comments in posts. That is the reason when you make a comment, your post count increases. There is no separate count on Steemit for comments. You may have also seen some comments that are longer than the post and sometimes even more useful than the post itself. Hence commenting is an important activity which is quite underrated, in my opinion.


Earning Commenting Income

You can also earn by commenting, not only by publishing blog posts. In fact some of my comments have earned me more than I usually earn for my posts. There is a misconception that only only blog posts earn well. True the high rewards usually go to blog posts but how many earn 3-figure rewards on posts? If you're new on the platform(or less than a few months old) you may earn more with daily commenting than blogging.

If you make a well thought out detailed comment that adds good value to the post one of the whales will surely upvote you with a good percentage of his or her voting power. The creator of the original post will also be obliged to upvote your comment since you added more information to the post on the page.


Pays More Per Hour

In fact if you take the pay for effort into account, commenting may fetch a higher reward than posting on your blog. The reason being that it may take an hour for you to create a blog post especially you do adequate research on the topic.

Compare that to a few minutes that you might take to read a post and comment on it.



Some users may be under the impression that only posts can be downvoted. That is not true since a comment can also be downvoted as it is treated exactly like a post for rewards. So make sure that your comments are not frivolous in anyway or undermine the post or the blogger. For that matter avoid any negativity in your comment. It is better not to comment than make a comment that most people may not appreciate.



A comment also has its own payout period. The post may have been published a few days back but if you comment on it today and it gets upvoted you will receive the reward only after 7 days which is the payout period for any post.



You do not get followers only for your blogging. Actually you get even better followers from commenting because those people tend to be impressed by your statements and follow through to your blog and read your content. If they really like your content they will always read and upvote it. Many of such followers will identify with what you may say in your content and hence decide to follow you.

I hope you found this information useful. Be sure to leave your comment below!

(¯`•._ _.•´¯)

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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy, Canva

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