STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #47 - New Theme Announcement

"You can't just eat good food.  You've got to talk about it too" ~ Kurt Vonnegut.

After celebrating the Steemit Culinary Challenge's first birthday a few weeks ago, I'm delighted to return now with the first theme of its second year!  As you can see I gave the SCC a bit of a makeover, and I hope you like it.  New year, new style, why not.  I will also be preparing my new project "Make It Healthy" over the next couple months, to be launched in January, so I will keep you updated on that.  I know many of you are excited at the prospect of Steemit's first community recipe book... as am I!!!

I'm practically bursting with excited anticipation here as I think of all the fabulous recipes and photography yet to come into existence because of this challenge!  The talent within the foodie community on Steemit is impressive, and never fails to inspire me, or make me smile, or even make my jaw drop in awe.  And it's not all about appearance - I see gorgeous creations all the time I'd never even lick let alone eat - but the actual recipes and ingredients, preparation methods, combinations of flavours, textures, artistic style, experimentation, adaptability, originality.  We've had literally hundreds of entries over the last year, admired by more people than we can ever know, and the source of many life-changing-diet-changing discussions for so many of us.  It's really true... the joy of preparing and eating good food makes you want to talk about it, and share it.

To begin the second year of the SCC I decided to choose a theme and judge the first round myself, and then from next week onwards the guest judges will be from the Steemit community as is tradition.  So without any more waffle I wish you all stacks of fun over the weekend as you get your ideas and groceries sorted.  I can't wait to see what you make!

~~ A YEAR OF 1st PRIZE WINNERS!  SCC "Hall of Foodie Fame" ~~

#46 - Apple 

#45 - Vegan Buddha Bowl 

#44 - Chocolate Crazy Dessert Divine 

#43 - Autumn Feast Special 

#42 - Beautiful Bread 

#41 - Monochrome 

#40 - Mexican Food Showdown 

#39 - Baby Food 

#38 - Vegan Dishes From Around The World 

#37 - Healthy Yet Tempting Food for Children 

#36 - Food Fit For A German 

#35 - Ice-Cream 

#34 - A Smoothie for @smooth 

#33 - Brilliant Berries 

#32 - Picnic Alfresco 

#31 - Vegan Main 

#30 - Tempting Tarts 

#29 - Take Me To Brunch... In Your Country 

#28 - Cupcakes 

#27 - Be A Michelin Star Chef For One Night 

#26 - Sugar-Free Raw Vegan Desserts 

#25 - Your Favourite Dish 

#24 - Mouthgasms 

#23 - Otsumami 

#22 - Mediterranean Night 

#21 - Coffee a la Barista's 

#20 - Pancake Paradise 

#19 -  Sweet and Savory Crepes 

#18 - Tasty, Wholesome Meals for Weight Loss 

#17 - Shepherd's Pie 

#16 - Tacos for a Tech Savvy 

#15 - Roast It 


#13 - The Finest Fish Dish 

#12 - Purely Paleo 

#11 - Cheeseless Burger 

#10 - Anglo–Sino Chicken 

#9 - New Year on a Platter 

#8 - La Pasta Perfetta 

#7 - Battle of Noodles 

#6 - HOT Off the Grill 

#5 - Unorthodox Chillied Dish 

#4 - Super Salads 

#3 - Smoothie Showdown 

#2 - Out of the Box Sandwiches   

#1 - Sniffle Remedy Soup

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me,  either by posting your queries on the comment thread below, or you can find me on under the same name.  I will respond as soon as I can.  

For the announcement of winners and new themes, follow me 

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