📷 Steemit Photo Challenge #7 — WINNERS — Guest Judge @pfunk [Sep 1 - 4]

How did you all like the Architecture theme?

This week we had @pfunk judging the entries, and the theme was specially chosen by him as one of his favourite subjects. Is there a theme that you'd like to judge? Let me know in the comments! If you have a good standing in the community or have shown a lot of interest, I just may select you to be a judge for an upcoming SPC! :)

Guest judges receive 50SBD

But first...

@jamtaylor's Picks — 10 Steem Each

When there is a guest judge, I like to get a bit of my bias in there as well :) Just a little bit!
Here were a few entries that stood out to me, not that I know much about judging architecture! I didn't include any that were already picked by @pfunk, although there was some overlap.

I know what you're thinking "So all I have to do is take black and white shots and @jamtaylor will choose them!?" ;) Maybe, maybe not! Look at these, how could I not like 'em!?

Submitted by @xcepta

Submitted by @jasondaum

Submitted by @theyam

Submitted by @adamt

Submitted by @lgm-1

From @pfunk:

In judging this challenge I was looking for creative composition foremost. Architecture itself is an art and the people that design and build structures are artists themselves. Taking photos of architecture is an art with many facets. Some architecture photos are meant to be illustrative, for informational or marketing purposes. These kinds of photos usually try to display the subject as a whole. More creative photos of structures and buildings can use clever composition, explore themes, or can abstract geometry from the subject's form to create something new. I was open to very well executed illustrative shots however.

Some images have been resized and recompressed to make this post use less bandwidth, you can click any image to view it on its own without the white background and in its original as-posted size and compression where applicable.

Honorable Mentions — 10 Steem Each

Light is Life by @zaebars

Geometric simplicity and yet wonderful detail and a good composition makes this photo work.

Stone Chariot Hampi Temple by @sandeepachetan

This wide angle photo does a good job illustrating a miniature temple in its courtyard with the walls and gate in the background. Nice exposure too.


Trinity by @mcsvi

Pretty good composition of an interesting indoor subject. Reminds me of Tetris :)

Cathedral of Finance by @saramiller

Google reverse image searching this one, I found many good shots of the subject, the ceiling of The Guardian Building in Detroit. BUT none of them thought to use the Art Deco gates to provide negative space silhouetting against the ceiling. Nicely done for your first post @saramiller! And on an iPhone 4 too.

Caernarfon Castle by @movievertigo

Here's an interesting way to present a castle from the inside, with a 360 degree fisheye effect. The contrast of the walls and the grass make the circle really stand out here and it works great.

Third Place — 50 Steem

Old vs New by @theyam

Churches were built tall to reach to the heavens and allow their bells to be heard far and wide. Or to dominate the landscape and provide a constant reminder of the power of the clergy and the wrath of god they promised you, depending on how you look at it. Today we build our towers taller in the name of capitalism, which has replaced the church as something to both worship and fear. Nice shot for an iPhone 4s and good timing with that plane!

Second Place — 100 Steem

Stairs by @pcste

@pcste hits us with a photo taken on high contrast large-format litho film for a really nice reduction of an outdoor staircase into two dimensions. This is an excellent use of the unique medium!

First Place — 150 Steem

Illuminated Arches by @shieha

This photo by @shieha was taken at a cool low angle, is beautifully exposed, and frames the famous Taipei 101 skyscraper nicely making for a fantastic composition.

Thanks to @jamtaylor for letting me guest judge this one. If you liked any of these photos, be sure to click the links and upvote the original posts!

What do you think of the picks this week?

If you don't see your images here, don't be discouraged! There's just so many amazing images to choose from. This might have been the biggest one yet!

Thanks to our sponsors, @berniesanders, and Steemimg.com the first dedicated Steemit Image hosting website, created by @blueorgy.

Give me some suggestions for next week's theme!

What would you like to see from the Steemit Photography community??

Steemit Photo Challenge Week 1 - Animal Portrait
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 2 - Shadows
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 3 - Desolation
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 4 - Nature Macro/Closeup
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 5 - Emotive Human Portrait
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 6 - Landscapes


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