“Girls can enjoy football matches: Russia 2018 World Cup-Group H” | 「女孩子也能看懂的足球比賽:俄羅斯2018世界盃-H組」⚽🏟

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Today, I will introduce Group H to all of you. The 4 countries in group H include Poland, Senegal, Colombia and Japan.


Robert Lewandowski

Arkadiusz Milik

Łukasz Piszczek

Poland, has participated in the World Cup 8 times in history. The best rank of Poland was third runner up in 1974 and 1982. The coach is Adam Nawałka. The most famous player is Robert Lewandowski, a super striker, had score 55 goals for Poland already. And I want to recommend a talented player, Arkadiusz Milik, a young striker who had chemistry between Robert Lewandowski in the front line. In addition, I choose Łukasz Piszczek to be the most handsome player of Poland national football team.

Most of the Poland players play in European football club, they have great strikers and defenders. In midfield, Poland has Piotr Zieliński, will create many chances for the strikers. Poland should not be underestimated.

波蘭在歷史上曾打進8次世界盃的決賽周,最佳成績是1974年與1982年獲得季軍。主教練是Adam Nawałka,隊內的頭號球星是Robert Lewandowski,一位超級射手,已經為波蘭國家隊射入55個入球。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Arkadiusz Milik,與前鋒搭檔Robert Lewandowski擁有極佳的默契。我額外挑選了波蘭國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Łukasz Piszczek。
大部份的波蘭球員都效力於歐洲的球會。波蘭陣中擁有優秀的前鋒與後防球員,中場更有能夠為前鋒創造入球機會的Piotr Zieliński,因此波蘭的實力絕對不能被低估。

Sadio Mané

Moussa Konaté

Saliou Ciss

Senegal, participated in the World Cup twice in history. Last time Senegal advanced to World Cup was 2002, defeated and eliminated World and European champions France in the group stage, just lost to Turkey at the quarter final. The coach is Aliou Cissé. The most famous player is Sadio Mané, a fast and strong striker, scored a goal against Real Madrid in European Champion League Final. And I want to recommend a talented player, Moussa Konaté, will be a reliable partner with Sadio Mané in scoring. In addition, I choose Saliou Ciss to be the most handsome player of Senegal national football team.

Most of the Senegal players play in European football club, they have great team spirit. And the captain of 2002 World Cup team, Aliou Cisse , now becomes the coach of Senegal, will share the experiences to the youngsters and lead them to go as far as they can.

2018世界盃,是塞內加爾在歷史上第二次打進世界盃的決賽周。上一次打進世界盃的決賽周已經是2002年,當年在小組賽中擊敗及淘汰了應屆的世界盃與歐國盃冠軍法國,最後在八強被當屆的季軍土耳其淘汰。主教練是Aliou Cissé,隊內的頭號球星是Sadio Mané,擁有強壯的身體與速度,在早前的歐聯決賽對陣Real Madrid時,射進一個扳平比數的入球。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Moussa Konaté,是Sadio Mané在前場攻城拔寨的好幫手。我額外挑選了塞內加爾國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Saliou Ciss。

Radamel Falcao

Dávinson Sánchez

James Rodríguez

Colombia, has participated in the World Cup 6 times in history. When we talk about Colombia national team, many old men will remember Carlos Valderrama and René Higuita. In 1994, a young defender Andrés Escobar was shoot down by Drug lord in Columbia, because of scored an own goal against USA, caused the knockout of Columbia national team in 1994 World Cup.

The coach is José Pékerman. The most famous player is Radamel Falcao, an experienced striker with brilliant scoring sense. And I want to recommend a talented player, Dávinson Sánchez, a fast and strong defender. In addition, I choose James Rodríguez to be the most handsome player of Colombia national football team.

Most of the Colombia players play in North America and European football club, they have great dribbling skills, but they fight quiet difficult in advancing 2018 World Cup. Colombia loves to play attacking football, hope James Rodríguez can score more goals to win the Golden Boot of World Cup again.

哥倫比亞在歷史上曾打進6次世界盃的決賽周。當人們談及哥倫比亞國家隊時,許多老球迷會想起「金毛獅王」Carlos Valderrama與「狂人門將」René Higuita。然而最令球迷震撼的事情發生於1994年,一位年輕的哥倫比亞後衛Andrés Escobar在世界盃小組賽對陣美國的賽事中,將球攻進自家球門,導致球隊於小組賽出組。他在回國後,竟被當地有背景人士持槍殺害,令人們感到非常傷感。
主教練是José Pékerman,隊內的頭號球星是Radamel Falcao,一位擁有精湛射術、出色射門觸覺與豐富經驗的前鋒。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Dávinson Sánchez,是一位具備強壯體質與速度的後防新星。我額外挑選了哥倫比亞國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為James Rodríguez。
大部份的哥倫比亞球員都效力於北美與歐洲的球會,隊中的球員都擁有出色的球技,然而哥倫比亞在晉級2018世界盃小組賽的過程中表現得頗為艱苦。哥倫比亞傾向進攻風格,希望James Rodríguez會在今屆世界盃中射入更多精彩的入球,再次衛冕世界盃神射手的榮譽。

Shinji Kagawa

Kōsuke Nakamura

Yoshinori Muto

Japan, has participated in the World Cup 6 times in history. Because of a comic called “Captain Tsubasa” in 1981, many Japanese children started to love football. Japan is one of the greatest team in Asian countries, and their highest rank was round 16 in 1992 and 2010. The coach is Akira Nishino. The most famous player is Shinji Kagawa, a thin but smart midfield player. And I want to recommend a talented player, Kōsuke Nakamura, a young goalkeeper will replace Eiji Kawashima in few years. In addition, I choose Yoshinori Muto to be the most handsome player of Japan national football team.

Most of the Japan players play in Japan and European football club, Japan have a fixed squad, and lots of talented players in mid-front field, but lost the balance between defending and attacking. Japan should focus in solving the potential problems in weak defending, especially against Senegal, which have many fast and strong players in their team.

日本在歷史上曾打進6次世界盃的決賽周。1981年,日本出版了一本名為《足球小將》的漫畫,令全國的兒童與青少年開始愛上了足球這項運動。日本是亞洲其中一支最強的國家隊,曾於1992年及2010年打進十六強。主教練是Akira Nishino,隊中的頭號球星是Shinji Kagawa,一位身材瘦弱但踢法聰明的中場球員。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Kōsuke Nakamura,是日本頭號門將Eiji Kawashima未來的接班人。我額外挑選了日本國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Yoshinori Muto。

Last few days, I introduced some basic information about group A, B, C, D, E, F ,G of the Russia 2018 World Cup. If you are interested, you are welcome to visit this link :

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group A⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group B⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group C⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group D⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group E⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group F⚽🏟”

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group G⚽🏟”









The @blocktrades World Cup | My selections⚽⚽

In order to enjoy the competitions, I decided to join @blocktrades World Cup tournament, which is managed by @anomadsoul and @acidyo.

These are my picks for the group stage of the @blocktrades World Cup.
If you want to join the World Cup 2018, please click here :
Join the @blocktrades World Cup | 2,000 SBD in Prizes!

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2018 World Cup will start tomorrow at 23:00, hope you will enjoy the matches!


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The @blocktrades World Cup | My selections⚽⚽

「你是你本身的傳奇 - You are still legend」⚽⚽

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