Scream. A Five Minute Horror.

I awoke with the absence of a scream.

A loose, white smoky form held me down, its ethereal tendrils through my chest, strangling my lungs. I was paralyzed with a thousand pounds from a suspended concept.

Struggling for air, petrified by this unworldly force filled with malice and intention, I struggled fiercely inside but couldn’t shake its hold over me.

The light from the hall spilled softly into my room. My family was right there. Oblivious to the torture I endured.

I thrashed and fought internally, how was I not moving? My lungs seared in protest. I was fading. This thing, this unnatural thing had complete control. It was in me. I only lay immobilized as it consumed my life force.

Suddenly it releasing me in a cough of relief. It hovered over me, then drifted to the door. It waved me away like I was not worth it, then disappeared.

A dark form materialized in its place, it’s presence comforting and right.

It stayed but a moment, its presence assuring me the light one would not return. a true happening

Join the #Freewrite challenge hosted by @mariannewest!

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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