You? Save the World? That's cute ;)

Your immediate environment directly affects your health, happiness, productivity and even sanity. This includes your home, neighborhood, school or work and the other places you frequent on a regular basis. When your environment is out of balance, you suffer.

For instance, if your house is dirty it will attract bugs and they carry diseases, and you will get sick. If your neighborhood is not respected and people throw trash on the streets, property values will go down and this attracts a criminal element to the now cheap housing. Soon, there are drug dealers on the corners and homes are being broken into and it is no longer safe.

Same with the environment of your own body. If you take care of it and keep bad foods to a minimum, you can expect good health and your body will take care of you far longer than if you eat bad, fill it with chemicals or drugs, or never exercise.

Everything you do has a consequence. If you take care of your body it rewards you. When you keep your home and community clean and in shape, it keeps the value high and discourages criminal activity.

It starts with you. You must be the change you wish to see.

This leads to the greater environment. You cannot help save the rainforests across the world if you are not recycling paper products at home. You cannot expect the industrial farms to keep pigs living their lives in crates when you engorge on BBQ pork from unethical or unknown sources.

Every single thing you do has a butterfly effect. It may seem insignificant to get one new paper bag from the grocery store each time you purchase food, but if you shop only once a week- that’s 52 bags. That’s one tree cut from the rainforest. That’s pounds of chemicals poured into the environment. It’s the death of a species from due to destruction from the chemicals and the death of a thousand creatures who made that tree their home because it was their environment.

It’s true that you cannot save the world with one action. But that one action can mean the world to many.

A circle is perfectly balanced. When you contribute to the balance of the circle of life, you are making a difference.

And that makes you pretty cute in my eyes :)

Images via Creative Commons

entry into @sayee's Environment contest :)~ @sayee/essay-writing-contest-win-sbd

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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