It’s what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can’t sleep. 5 Minute Freewrite

The kittens, snug against my legs, stealing my warmth.

They think. I’m truly the one stealing the heat from their bodies.

I try to distract, I try to perform non think. But the think happens. The thoughts creep in and take over.

Like burglars in the night, they take me away from my warm bed to

somewhere cold. Somewhere dark. Lonely.

I can’t see, it’s so dark. I can’t feel. It’s so nothing.

My bare feet, crunching against the lost.

The forgotten.

Was it ever?

I never truly had it. It wasn’t mine to begin with.

But I thought it was. It should have been, after all.

all I gave. Until the giving was gone.

I turn on the tv, hoping for a distraction.

Take me out of the cold. Give me a light. A breath.

Just a little.

The kittens stir their little kitten sleeps, whiskers twitching in a kitten game. Oblivious to the cold and gloom that surrounds us. Or, is it only me?

Lost and lone on a highway of no-thing. Ever leading to more empty. It is only me.

The happy tv people have no idea what it’s like to be cold. To be forgotten.

I wish I could sleep like the kittens. I wish I could happy like the tv people. A happy ending every thirty minutes.

It’s what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can’t sleep.

A special thank you to the bright and lovely @mariannewest for hosting the daily 5 minute #Freewrite challenge and to all the brave and strong freewriters ♡

image via pixabay

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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