7 Day Black and White Photo Challenge and BW Photo Contest Entry


I was nominated to do this challenge by @jewels3

I've been wanting to get back into photography, it used to be a great passion of mine until work and life took over, but with the wonderfully encouraging Steemit platform I believe I have found the perfect place :) So, thank you darlin!

This is my Day 1 entry

The 7 Day Black & White Photo Challenge:

7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life.

Present one image every day for 7 days.
No people.
No explanation.
Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in.
Use the tag #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags.
I nominate @binkyprod!

Also my entry for #bwphotocontest by @daveks! This weeks theme Minimalism

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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