Shoe. 5 Minute #Freewrite

The shoe sat there, never moving. It had been staring at the same wall for ages. People and shoes walked by it, ever by it, never stopping.


The shoe barely remembered love. The fun of running, of jumping. Of being a part of something.

Hell, the shoe would even love to sit through a full day of lectures, bored out of it’s shoelaces, than…


Unwanted. Unneeded. Nothing more than a discarded heap of leather and cloth. Missing its twin. Missing.

The rain, the dogs, the cars and bikes. Shoe did not see these anymore. As shoe was fading from consciousness.

Loss of love does that.

When you no longer are needed, when you no longer belong, you begin to fade and melt into oblivion.

You become a thing. Then a nothing.

No love equals no-thing.

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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