Unproven Chapter Fifty One "Hashbrownie"

If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT
-The Avett brothers


Recommend Reading Introduction to Unproven


Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three

Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six

Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two Chapter Twenty Three Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five Chapter Twenty Six Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight Chapter Twenty Nine Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty One Chapter Thirty Two Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Thirty Four Chapter Thirty Five Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Seven Chapter Thirty EightChapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Forty Chapter Forty One Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Forty Three Chapter Forty Four Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty Six Chapter Forty Seven Chapter Forty Eight

Chapter Forty Nine Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty One

The following morning she got ready for school feeling good about her resolution. She wouldn’t lie to herself and say she hated him but she wouldn’t mope either. Instead she would accept it and move on. It was his loss.

She honestly believed that, which was a bit of a revelation. Sadly it wasn’t one of those “I’m so great and he’s a shit” kind of feelings, no, it was the knowledge that they were amazing together and his choice was the wrong one. He would never be happier with anyone if he would ever be happy at all. No amount of money would replace what they had, what they could be together. Which was whole. Unfortunately it swung both ways.

Still, it wasn’t her fault, she couldn’t control his decision. She couldn’t force him to see it so she would let it go instead. With love, she would let it go.
She climbed into the back seat of Andie’s car and grinned at her friends, startling them.

“What?" She raised a brow, "I told you I just needed a day and I would be fine.”

“Um yeah, but we didn’t believe you!” Sonya exclaimed.

She laughed, “I know. But I was serious. I am okay. It’s not what I want, but it’s not my choice and I can’t let his poor one destroy my life. It’s short enough without wasting any of it.”

Andie smiled into the rear view, “Thatta girl! I am seriously impressed!”

“And of course I live to impress you,” she responded dryly.

Andie's smile widened. “I am so relieved, you have no idea.”

“Mmm. I think I do. I told you not to worry so much, didn’t I? He never had the power to destroy me. But so we’re clear, I don’t hate him. In fact I love him, and probably always will.”

Andie glanced at her thoughtfully. “Huh. You know, maybe that’s your secret. Maybe that’s why he didn’t have the power to destroy you.”

Ary cocked her head to the side, “What?”

“I don’t know, real love I guess. It’s unselfish so it can’t be broken.”

She nodded slowly. “Yeah, that makes sense. Like with you and me.”

Andie laughed, “Yeah, like that.”

Despite her resolution and revelations, it was still difficult to walk into the lounge at lunchtime. She hadn’t seen him since her brief glimpse the morning before and was under no illusion that his presence would not affect her. She headed toward Andie and Sonya who had chosen a table in the middle of the room, not quite far enough away for her comfort. But she managed to take her seat without looking in his direction and once she was in it she was fine, particularly since she wasn’t facing him.

She busied herself with pulling the contents of her lunch out of the brown bag, but was brought back to where she was by a sudden exclamation by Sonya. She looked up and felt her stomach knot as she watched Amanda make her way toward them. She stopped next to their table and it was as if a command for silence had been given, the entire room was suddenly as quiet as a library.

Amanda was undaunted by this, that or she wanted the audience. “So how does it feel to be rejected by him a second time?” She asked, not bothering to disguise her glee.

Ary regarded her for a second before responding. “Well, I’m not sure how to answer that because that’s not how I look at it.”

Amanda’s laugh was shrill. “How else would you look at it?”

She took a deep breath and turned in her seat just enough to see him as she spoke. “I think of it as a poor choice on his part. But I wish him all of the best for all of his life,” she choked up slightly earning snickers from all corners. She got herself together and cut Amanda off before she could respond, turning until she was facing him directly. “I do,” she said in a clear strong voice. “With love.”

He stared at her for a moment before grabbing his drink off the table and holding it in the air. “Here, here.”

The room erupted in echoes and laughter, and she responded by shrugging one shoulder slightly, and turning her attention back to her food. She barely heard the scathing words Andie delivered to Amanda, didn’t watch as Amanda stalked away, didn’t care whether the laughter was directed at her, she was simply eating a sandwich and sitting with two people she loved.

Unfortunately Andie didn’t commiserate. “Do they seriously think they’re laughing at your expense?” She asked incredulously. “You were awesome, and brave, and he’s nothing but a…

“Stop.” Ary commanded, giving her a look. “Let them laugh. Who cares? Not me.”

“Here, here to that.”

Ary looked up and blinked in surprise as Grant Xavier sat next to her, brushing his surfer blond hair out of his gray eyes. “He’s a dick. And a fool. And it seems you are the first girl to survive him intact.” He opened the juice in his hand and took a swig, wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve before leaning toward her. “We’ve been watching you.” He nodded his head at a table near the back where the basketball team and company sat watching them with interest. “Bets were made.” He said matter of factly. “I won,” he flashed her a smile, “had a feeling you wouldn’t crumble. So how about you three come join us?” He glanced at Andie and Sonya before refocusing on her.

“Sure!” Sonya responded immediately.

Ary smiled exchanging a looked with Andie. “Yeah, why not?”

They stood and followed him to the table and were greeted enthusiastically by all present, including the girls.

“We’re having a party tomorrow night, you girls should come.” Mindy Crawford said as they got comfortable.

“Sounds fun,” Andie said immediately.

“Here try this,” Grant handed Ary a brownie.

She lifted a brow. “Um, no thanks.”

He grinned, leaning in closer, “It’s good, trust me.”

Her brow lifted higher, “I believe you, I’m just not in the mood for a brownie.”

“Oh come on, it’s-”

“A hash brownie,” Mindy cut in, “and it is good, you’ll giggle your ass off.”

“Uh,” Ary eyed it skeptically. Fuck it, she decided, taking it from him and biting off a piece.

“Yeahhhh,” Grant laughed.

She caught a big-eyed look from Andie and shrugged, holding the rest of it out to her. She expected her to turn it down but her friend surprised her by taking it and pushing the whole thing in her mouth, grinning chocolate teeth at her as she chewed.


Thirty minutes later she was laughing so hard she couldn’t catch her breath, leaning on Grant who didn’t seem to mind as his arm dropped around her shoulders. “I told you it was good,” he waggled his eyebrows causing her to laugh even harder.

“My hands look weird,” Andie stated, leaning across the table to show them to her before bursting into another fit of laughter.

“Why didn’t you give me some?” Sonya pouted.

“’Cuz this is your normal state of mind and we’re visiting you,” Andie responded.

Ary bent over the table, her shoulders shaking. “Hands look weird!” She wheezed pressing a hand into her side.

“Do you have class after lunch?” Grant asked.

She shook her head, still giggling.

“Good! Then you can come with me.” He grabbed her arm and hauled her to her feet, guiding her out of the lounge and down the hall. She was so out of it, it took a second for her to realize they’d stopped. She tilted her head to see where they were and her eyes landed on Grayson who was blocking their path and seemed to be in a staring contest with Grant.

“What the fuck Teller, what do you want?”

“What did you give her?”

“Fuck off asshole.”

Ary was suddenly deprived of her center of gravity and watched in confused disorientation as Grayson slammed Grant against a locker.



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