The Story of My Life so Far - Part 79 - Adoption Process in Brest

This is the story of my life so far: 68 years and counting.
Prequel: A Brief History of my Family in France

The story starts here
Previous episode: Part 78

[After two months of travel, I am continuing this series, and I will try to do it more regularly]

Adoption Process in Brest

In France, at least at this time, to adopt foreign children, it was done in several steps.

First, once you found the children to adopt, you get the authorization from the Direction départementale des affaires sanitaires et sociales (DDASS) to have them live at your home.
Then, the DDASS sends social workers to check that all the conditions are met for the children to be adopted: do you seem like potential good parents? Is the home adequate and safe? etc... This can last for several months.
Finally, when the social workers give a positive report, a family judge will pronounce an adoption judgment.

There are two kinds of adoption in France:

  • simple adoption when the link between the children and the birth parents still exists.

  • plenary adoption which terminates the relationship between the birth parents and the children.

We had applied for plenary adoption.

I am not sure if the social workers of the DDASS were overworked, or if they had a problem with the fact that I was sometimes away from home for a week, but the process took way too long.

One social worker came several times in our apartment and asked some strange questions to our daughters, such as:

  • What do you feel when your father is away for a week when he is at sea?

This is really a strange question for children that have spent more than a year in an orphanage, after having been abandoned by their parents. A week, for them, was not a long period, as long as one of us was at home with them.

The end result was that the process was not finished before we left Brest. We had to start again during my next posting in the Parisian region.

Continue to Part 80.

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