They Didnt See It Beneath Them Chapter # 8 (Original Story)

Chapter 8: The Co-Motion In The Ocean

The US Naval Coastguard had gotten into contact with the nearest main US Navy force station and had requested a mini fleet of five military ships, and two submarines to intercept the monster fish, Dunkleosteus, who they had thought was responsible for the sunken 43 foot long, fisherman’s hauling boat.

The main station had approved their request for backup, and commanded them to standby for further instructions.

The US Navy was not only sending in their military ships and submarines, but they had also ordered a team of three high entry level marine biologists and two marine life archeologists experienced with working on large specimens and collecting data.

No inexperienced scuba divers who weren't properly trained and prepared were allowed on this significant aquatic mission.

Their jobs were to inspect and analyze the data of the Dunkleosteus, once it was captured, and gain intelligence on how this large species of fish had survived extinction, its behavioral patterns, its diet, its general habitat and its full body specifications.

The US Navy also wanted to know if the monster fish could be duplicated and cloned to be used as a possible Naval Special Ops marine weapon, just like how they had trained and weaponized Bottlenosed Dolphins.

While they waited for back up, the men and women, who were swimming from the sunken ship, had made it safely to the other nearby boats and were being dried off, blanketed, and given something warm to drink. The ocean waters were freezing cold and each survivor smelled like fish blood and saltwater.

The Megalodon was still circling beneath the large group of ships filled with onlookers, news reporters and fishermen. The shark had a large fishing net covering its jaws and face. It shook its head left and right to free itself and the net fell below to the bottom of the sea floor. The fishing net was from the sunken hauling boat it had attacked, because the net was filled with 3 tons of Atlantic Halibut fish. Since the shark weighed 88 tons, which is approximately 176,000 pounds or 80,000 kilograms, the 3 tons of fish wasn’t enough to satisfy its hunger and it began to smell out its next prey, waiting for the right moment to attack.

Gary, Scott and Trevor were in their boat on the outside skirts of the group of ships, when they had all noticed a large creature circling beneath them. It quickly disappeared again lowering into the deep waters.

“Did you see that thing? It’s even larger than the Dunkleosteus! It was huge!” Scott yelled out.

“It might be a whale, a large grey Humpback or a Blue Whale perhaps. Whales get curious around large groups of ships and boats. It might just be checking out the area.” Trevor said.

Gary was looking down into the ocean and said, “I don't know Trevor. I thought I saw a large Shark dorsal fin, but I don’t know of any sharks that big. Aside from the easily recognizable Whale Shark,

the second largest shark that exists is the Basking Shark, but those reach only lengths of around 40 feet or so.

I really hope that was a whale…” The smell of fish chum began to permeate the air and Gary, Scott and Trevor smelled it coming from the center of the boats. The fishermen were planning on catching the Dunkleosteus and were pouring buckets and buckets of fish chum into the center opening of the circle of boats, and many people had their cameras ready and aimed.

The Naval Coastguard and the two police boats used their loud megaphones telling them to stop immediately, but it was too late.

Flashes of cameras begin to spark as Hammerhead sharks and Great White sharks showed up towards the surface and began to feast on the chunks of fish flesh.

The Dunkleosteus had also picked up on the scent of the fish chum and was zeroing in on that location four hundred feet away, when it sensed the electromagnetic field that the Megalodon was giving off. The shark wasn’t coming from in front of it, the Megalodon was actually beneath and behind the Dunkleosteus.

The Dunkleosteus sensed danger and continued to head towards the scent of the fish chum, but quicker than it had been swimming before. It hadn’t eaten in a day and a half and was racing to get whatever food was readily available. If it was going to fight or run away, it would need fuel and energy, so it sped up even more. The Megalodon was trailing behind the Dunkleosteus, two hundred and fifty feet away, with its jaws open, showing its hundreds of rows of 15-inch long serrated teeth.

The Dunkleosteus was chasing any prey it could find.

As the Dunkleosteus got close to the center of the fish chum in the middle of the circle of boats, it opened its mouth and the strong opening force created a vacuum effect, sucking a Hammerhead shark straight into its jaws. It bit the 15-foot Hammerhead shark in half as it came up above the surface.

Everyone who saw it began to yell, scream, and panic. The Dunkleosteus swallowed the portion of the Hammerhead shark and snatched up a second nearby 11-foot Hammerhead by its lower half and almost swallowed it whole. It was eating quickly and ferociously like a large Amazonian Piranha, kicking up fish chum and splashing bloody water everywhere. Its teeth were gnashing and chomping, and the sound of its closing jaws were like loud snapping bear traps. It was trying to finish swallowing as it sensed the Megalodon approaching from the side. The Megalodon’s large dorsal fin surfaced, cutting through the water as a hot razorblade through warm butter.

Its dorsal fin was 10 feet high and as it headed towards the center of the fish chum, the other sharks, and the Dunkleosteus, it pushed all the ships and boats aside as if they were play toys. The people on the boats were freaking out now. Screaming and crying, some were wishing that they had never come out to the ocean. Anybody with eyes could clearly see that the massive dorsal fin belonged to the biggest shark that ever existed, the mighty Megalodon shark. It was the Godzilla of the seas. The 68-foot long monster shark dwarfed everything in sight and its head came above the surface showing its jaws.

More flashes of cameras were snapping and more screams were heard from men and women witnessing the unbelievable sight. They had completely forgotten about the Dunkleosteus.

The Dunkleosteus had already pulled its head back beneath the water to start its escape, when two loud horns were heard nearby.

A miniature dark grey submarine drone was locked onto the monster fish and shot out three missile darts containing tranquilizer fluid, penetrating the Dunkleosteus's belly with direct hits. The Navy marine divers were ready nearby.

The large fish stopped moving almost immediately from the large doses and became very still.

Bright lights lit up the entire ocean area around the boats and three US Navy Submarines began to surface and the fleet of Naval warships had also pulled up to the scene. The spotlights were on the Dunkleosteus with ten trained Navy Seal scuba divers swimming with ropes and hooks to capture the giant fish, and reel it into a secret container beneath one of the large 100-foot long, research military submarines.

Another set of three spotlights focused on the Megalodon, but when the bright, sharp light beams hit the eyes of the colossal-sized shark, it thrashed its large tail creating a mini tidal wave, which rocked all nearby ships with a tremendous force of water throwing everyone onboard the boat vessels off balance. The Megalodon began to dive beneath the surface to get out of the view of the spotlights. Three more horns were sounded from the military ships and more missile darts were released, but this time they were headed for the Megalodon.

The darts missed, with one dart scratching the top fin of the Megalodon’s tail as it maneuvered with agility and speed around the submarines and large ships.

It felt threatened and was ready to defend itself at all costs.

Thank you for reading Chapter 8 in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it so far.


Written By Verbal D & Co-Inspired By My Lil’ Bro Jacob

All Gifs Used From

Next Post coming tomorrow

PS: I made this one extra long since you all have been waiting a little while. Hope you enjoy this hard work I just did.

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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