Embrace Pain & Embarrassment to Become You’re Best!

Pain and Embarrassment, who would want that to happen to them? I am not talking about physical pain but emotional discomfort to strength us to come back stronger than ever.

One thing I think we naturally all do is try to stay in our comfort zones, have security, and not put ourselves in vulnerable situations. This keeps us only as strong as we have become so far in life and strength in our character is what defines and shapes our lives.

The Knockout

Break Free

If we put ourselves in uncomfortable situations such as facing our fears, this will make you start to take more action, do the things you want and need to do in life. It will continue to make you braver with even the smallest situations that define who you are and that is a fantastic feeling to break through your barriers.

Not only will you feel much more accomplish and proud of yourself but everyone is your world will see that and respect it. We all want to be like that, have the utmost confidence and discipline. Live life in love and not fearful negative emotions because it is a trickledown effect on all our actions.

It is called the Status quo, the average, living in the box. It is why most people fail and don’t attain what they want in life. I know you want the very best in your life and the people around you, so making yourself stronger by making yourself vulnerable in tough situations is a great way to work on this.

What about embarrassment?

This is also putting us in vulnerable situations by being honest with yourself and truthful to the world. Most of us are hiding our insecurities, masking the way we feel or not putting ourselves out there because we don’t want to make a fool of how we look.

When we do this we continue to create false identities. Not only does the world see the fake person we project but it continues to develop inside ourselves and we can never find out who we really are then. What we need to work on, what our true goals and purpose are to live the life we really want.

You can’t grow, expand, become your best if you do not know what you need to work on and lie to yourself each day because you are ashamed or guilty of where you are currently. Being brave and confident of our faults, insecurities, weakness is the only way we are able to strengthen them so they become pillars of structured strength in our lives.

Thick Skin

Have you ever felt or see someone’s hand that uses them each day? Overtime the skin becomes so tough it is like a leather glove. This is the same for our emotional bank account, the more vulnerable you are, the tougher the situations you put yourself in, the tougher you and your skin will become. You will overtime handle tougher circumstances while the old ones that were uneasy for you will become a walk in the park.

Watch my video

Become tougher by putting yourself out there and you will be continue to level up in every aspect of your life!


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