Tarot Tuesday: 4-17-18 Edition

Hello Everybody!

How is your Tarot Tuesday coming along?

Ask me a question in the comment section or via email you would like me to throw cards or Runes at it.

Check out my recent posts for ideas on what to ask and what to expect. All I do is gauge the energies of your question and do my best to empower you to make the best decisions you can for yourself and the rest of manifest existence.

See below for instructions.


by @carlgnash

#TarotTuesday comment of the week...
is by @in2itiveart.<b

Who wrote this interesting post that was inspired from this post on the heart chakra.

Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 10.22.33 AM.png

Instructions for a Reading

Edited note and notice for the duration of the week: All the questions I agreed to read for already in the comment section I will do for free. Any more I will charge a minimum of 1 STEEM/SP or 3 SBD; or donation via crypto to the addresses below for a straightforward 3 card reading, like the ones shown here.

Hexagram readings as shown here are currently negotiable (as are readings via phone, in person or web conference.)

Ethereum: 0xb7b4f90c1eb1c7a271456b95f16a8d4e4afcb444
DASH: XwbAmpaubYWT2sAZjME9bouWmVMyCngqga
ZCash: t1L1VvnuAKj8uH6Z4hCbG49hsadYWkaF3GR
(I accept other cryptocurrencies as well.)

I am also available to do readings via Skype, Discord, email and telephone.
Email me for details.

Note: We can do the reading via email and keep your query completely private without posting the reading on my blog. I keep a cryptographic email address to help protect your privacy.

I am a Wandering Wild Woman with a laptop obsessed with knowledge and trend forecasting.

Newcomers can read my introduction post here.




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