Radical Love - Original Poetry - Night Landscape Photography

20180427_224704 - Moonlight through clouds over woods and lighted back porch.jpg

Radical Love

Let love inform my being
infuse my thoughts
determine my actions

Let love inspire my dreams
my desires
my prayers

Let love guide me in all my dealings
and be foremost in my mind

Let me love before I speak
before I email
before I accuse

Let me be the definition of love
let it rearrange my every cell
my every memory
my every pain

Let me live in the light of love
and let the light of the love in me
pour out onto all I see

I am here to love you

Whether you love me or hate me
I am here to love you

Whether you open my door
or steal my car
I am here to love you

I might not like you in that moment, but
I am here to love you

Because loving you
honors my Spirit
and the Spirits of those before me
those I Love

Let my love heal the sick
calm the frightened
soothe the angry

Let my love feed the starving
comfort the dying
save our planet

Let my love burn so brightly
that hatred, fear and violence are consumed
and exist no more

Let my love pave the way
to new worlds and universes
with resources intact
so we can learn from our mistakes
and do it right next time

Let the light of the love in me
Pierce the darkness
in the hearts of men

Let my love be a beacon to the lost
an anchor for the despairing
a shelter for those in chaos

Let the light of the love in me
clear the fog of illusion away
and elevate truth
to its rightful place of honor

Let me be the definition of love
let it pour out over all I see

Let the light of the love in you
join with that in me
and set us all free.

6/7 July 2005 Approx 2 AM

I lucked out tonight because, after returning home from Sparta at about 10 PM, we were greeted by gorgeous clouds through which our waxing moon was shining its glorious light. This photo was one of a couple of dozen or so that I took enroute from the barn back to the house, after taking the goats in for the night and feeding our hopefully new barn kitty. I took this using my Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

I had originally planned on posting this poem a few days ago, when I posted my entry for TeamGirlPowa's "Feminine Fire" poetry competition, not as an entry, as I had already entered, but more as a continuing part of the conversation.

But then, while looking for the poem on my computer, I realized that I didn't remember the name of the poem, which is one of the downsides of having written literally hundreds of poems over decades. But today I remembered it - hooray!!!

If you enjoyed this post, please Upvote and Resteem it to share with others!
And I would love to hear your take in the comments.

Some of my recent posts:

Hi Little Kitty - Day 102 - Daily Haiku

Battle - Lunatic Soul - My personal favorite song from the recent album, "Fractured"

(Barn Cat Candidate - Day 101 - Daily Haiku
One Hundred Days On - Day 100 - Daily HaikuCoupling - British TV Series - Intelligent, Irreverent and Hilarious
Feeling My Power - Day 99 - Daily Haiku - My Entry for the TeamGirlPowa Feminist Fire Poetry Competition
One of Our Small Businesses at Crescendo of Peace – www.AquaTrust.org - Part 2
One of Our Small Businesses at Crescendo of Peace – www.AquaTrust.org - Part 1
Goaty Boys Are Mad – Day 98 – Daily Haiku
Fireflies in the Woods – Day 97 – Daily Haiku
Hummingbirds Are Here – Day 96 – Daily Haiku


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

If you feel my posts are undervalued, and/or you want to
donate to tip me, I would appreciate it very much.

In the process, you will be helping our small organic farm to operate,
to help others, and to feed and house all our animals better. Thank you!

20140126 1907d - Cohorts Lolo and Miod.jpg

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The following are a few affiliate links, to companies we really
believe in, that will further help us to operate, to help others,
and to care for and feed our animals.

If you have any interest in becoming affiliated with these companies,
which may bring you additional income, please contact me,
and perhaps we can work together!

Dr. Al Sears, well known anti-aging doctor, with his first-class
line of supplements that actually work:

Melaleuca, a company that has been making natural, eco-friendly
products since the 1980s, that not only work as well as
chemically laden versions from the supermarket,
but are safer, and typically save money overall in addition.

I was introduced to them by a co-worker in 1990, lost track
of them, and was thrilled to find them again about a year
and a half ago. I strongly recommend their products.

Prime My Body offers a nanoenhanced hemp-based CBD oil
that is legal in all 50 United States, and clinically proven to be
absorbed 3X better than the leading pharmaceutical brand.
I have used it on myself and my animals with excellent results.

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate yourself,
check out this link:

All words and images are my own.

The photo of our dog, Lolo, and our late cat, Miod, I took as they were cooperatively begging at the dinner table, despite our longstanding rule of not feeding them from the table.

You can see how much that deterred them both.

Resteeming is welcome, you may link to my post from your own website or blog, and you may use excerpts and/or images as long as you credit me, and link back to this post.

Please ask for permission, before using my work otherwise, as all rights are reserved.

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