Curation - MyJuniors MakeMeSmile Week 7 / 第七期 MyJuniors MakeMeSmile 合集

Every Wednesday I will need to squeeze my brain to write a paragraph for this curation post. I must admit I am really not a writer. Even though I have been posting one post a day for almost 4 months now, but I still don't see myself as a writer. To me, a writer is someone who can write about any topic to a length of at least 300 words. My posting is more like experience sharing and focuses on my photos rather than my words. Freewrite is the only writing challenge I am joining on a regular basis.

每个星期三我都得绞尽脑汁为这MyJuniors MakeMeSmile合集写开场白。我不得不承认我真的不是写作的料。虽然已经快四个月我每天都会在这里写一篇po,但我还是觉得我不是写作的料。我觉得真正写作的料是可以把任何题材发挥好的人,文章至少有三百字。我的文章比较像是分享,而且我个人比较着重于我的照片。Freewrite是我目前唯一参与和写作有关的挑战。

Oops... I have been side tracking from the main reason of this post... Let's start with the curation series... (Click on the image to visit the posts.) To support all other posts under these tags, please visit MyJuniors and MakeMeSmile



Happy belated birthday to little Freia, @mini-zephalexia! / 迟来的生日祝福!。

Mommy @janicechua should be SMILING more than crying... and super proud of your little one. / 妈咪当然是开心啦,对不?。

@coloringiship shared with us the tips she and her husband learned from a parenting workshop they attended. Play is Important!/ @coloringiship和先生分享了在一个育儿工作坊里学到的贴士。


Happy Belated Birthday to @tifaong! The food looks super yummy! / 迟来的生日祝福!祝@tifaong天天快乐!

Let's follow @jackpot feast around KL area. / 让我们跟着@jackpot一起在吉隆坡市区趴趴走。

Boil together with @williamsyee. / 来吧!跟着@williamsyee一起感受Boiler Room的热!。

@bboyady shares with us his love for family and reminds us we must cherish those who are close to us. / 珍惜眼前人。

Together we can achieve more. Let us come together for Debbie and share the love through @littlenewthings. / 让我们一起携手把爱转播出去。

Here's some statistics on both the tags for MyJuniors and MakeMeSmile. Thanks to @superoo7 for the awesome bots in Team Malaysia Discord.

接下来要感谢@superoo7 为我们制作了很多很厉害的bots。所以我们可以看看过去七天用了MyJuniors和MakeMeSmile tag的朋友的资料。

If you want to know more about MyJuniors, do check out the two posts below.


What is MyJuniors?

MyJuniors Official Logo

If you have no idea what is MakeMeSmile is all about, do check out my announcement post HERE for all the rules and how to take part and you may be our lucky winner!

如果你不知道MakeMeSmile是什么“东东”,欢迎你到这里看看。也欢迎你踊跃参加此挑战,有可能你就是我们的幸运儿哦! (1).gif

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @sireh and @skyleap

If you like the idea of CREATE and EARN (just like here in Steemit), then do you know that everyday while we connect with our family and friends through chatting, texting, voice and video calling, we can EARN from that too? Click on the image to start EARNING from connecting with your family and friends!

Colorful hearts border is created using and
彩色心的分界线是我用paint.net和gifmaker.me做的。 (2).gif


If you are interested in the communities and groups I am in, you can find more details below here: -

The Alliance
The Steem Engine
The Freewrite House

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