Steemit Newbies: Standby For An Important Introductory Message

First and foremost, wish you a very warm welcome! Right off the bat I can assure you that there is no place better than Steemit to join now, and it will be so for a long time to come! Now that you know that you are in the right place let me impart my message to you. The title was not just an attention grabbing gimmick but a meaningful call to action for this message, which contains advice that will hold you in good stead during your stay on Steemit.

The most important question that you must ask as soon as you finish reading this post is,

Why am I here?

Have you joined Steemit to earn a "huge amount of money", to create your own blog based on your interest or passion, make friends, or just support a cause? Be sure of why you have come here because only if you know what you are going to do, can create a path for yourself in the days ahead on Steemit.

If you have joined here to earn a good amount of money and would like to make Steemit a regular income source it's possible though not immediately. You can, in the long term, however you must learn how to create excellent content that stands out from the rest. That might seem like a tall order in the beginning but without making an effort, creating posts for weeks and months will end up like writing and publishing a book that no one reads except perhaps your mom or your best friend.


Follow your passion, whatever it might be. If you like gaming, check out the successful posts on gaming and create content accordingly. If you are good at photography, post images that you have taken with your camera. If you like drawing, scan your drawings and make a post on it. If you post images, make it a point to also include a few lines on what the picture is about.

A perfect example is this post of @tattoodjay and this post. Notice the way that he has written about the images in his post.

Avoid Copying

Posting plagiarized content is not only looked down upon but is also a crime punishable by law. So just stay away from plagiarizing or other dubious practices, and you will be fine. Original content is not only fresh and unique, but increases credibility., something that is important if you want to increase your reputation on Steemit. A writer with a good reputation always tends to earn much more than someone with a lower reputation.

Never ever should you even think of posting images that belong to someone else that do not permit sharing on the internet. If you need images for your post, use free stock images from Pixabay or other free sites, while mentioning the source for those images within the post, at the end or below the images.

Commenting Income

You may be thinking that you do not wish to make loads of money, maybe just a small amount to supplement your main income or while you work a full-time job. You can easily earn a decent sum of money not only by publishing good blog posts, but by posting useful comments on other blogs. Daily commenting can create a drip of regular income which adds up to a good sum at the end of each month.

Your comment should add value to the content on the author's blog, written after reading the post. Do not just post zero value comments like "nice post" or "thanks for sharing." A ballpark you can use for your comment is to write at least 25 to 30 words or 3 sentences.

Here is a link to one of the comments in response to @abigail-dantes's post that I made recently. As you can see, it is a long form comment and a post in itself, made after reading the entire post of the author. Useful comments that add value also get rewarded by authors who appreciate the time and effort taken by the person who makes such a comment.

Here is another one on @ethandsmith's post made by me after reading the review posted by the author. It is only a few sentences long but it is clear from reading my comment that I have read the author's post.


When you like a post, upvote it and also add a good comment. This encourages authors and also ranks good content high, and is something that others will do for you when you publish good content in the form of blog posts or comments. At the same time, don't insert your latest post link in every comment that you make if it is not connected to the author's post in any way.


Having followers goes a long way in making an author successful on Steemit. But at the same time the quality of followers counts more than the number. Hence do not ask for a follow-for-follow, instead follow those with similar content to yours so that they follow you back and also upvote and comment on your blog.

Rep Score

If you follow all the points above correctly you will see a steady increase in your reputation score, the figure against your username. You will get more attention, upvotes and recognition if you have a higher reputation since it is something that you have earned.


Participation in contests and initiatives on Steemit will get you good visibility, and you can also win some cool prizes, beside making some friends who will help you out whenever you need it. For a shortcut to contests being held on Steemit you can click on this link for trending contests, this link for hot contests and this one to see all new contests.

Steem Power

If you really want to see success in a shorter period of time, although it is not a guarantee, you can increase your Steem Power by investing your money. Do this only if you have money that you can spare, not the money that would have paid your bills or bought things that members of your family had been asking for - like toys for your kids.

Be Good

Last but not the least, be respectful, polite and tolerant. If you disrespect anyone's post or use foul or objectionable language you will always be at risk of being flagged down(the opposite of upvoting) in which you can lose your earnings. If you have to disagree, do so agreeably and in such a way that others will see where you're coming from.

If you follow this advice you will see consistent success on Steemit in the days ahead.

Welcome again and wish you good luck!!

Would you please UPVOTE and RESTEEM this post so that it can reach others too? Also do FOLLOW me for more useful and interesting posts.



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Image sources: Pixabay, Canva

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