I'm Quitting My Job, What Next? | Tips For Planning Your Own Online Business

Some years ago I quit my job and walked out a free man. When I say free I mean freedom from stress, and the unshackling of chains that bound me to an office desk, to a suffocating organizational environment and a pseudo-corporate culture where the boss was always right.

I started on my own and even though the initial years were a bit tough, till now I have never had reason to look back. I used to think about quitting my job quite often and it was only after I left that I realized that there is never a right time to quit your day job. You only need to plan for it and then quit your job.

It is the bitter truth that stress at the workplace forces many people to say goodbye to their jobs forever. If you have decided to leave your job but are held back by the thoughts of what the consequences could be, these tips might help you.

First and foremost plan your finances. Make sure that you have saved enough to last you 6 months or a year, providing you with a supplemental income. If you have a passion that you plan to make a full time living out of, you may need to get settled and start earning a regular income.

Build up your mindset so that you can make the switch from a day job mentality to that of an entrepreneur. You may need to work harder than before in order to exceed expectations of your clients. The best thing about working at home is that you are your own boss, but it can also be the worst that happened to you. Follow the example of those who are successful online, without getting sucked into sales funnels of shady or aggressive online entrepreneurs who only want to sell you their latest course that will make you rich.

Be sure about what you intend to do. Don't quit your job with no plan in mind. The good thing about the internet is that for almost everything there is an equivalent vocation on the internet. For example, if you are good at marketing, you can promote your own products whether created by you or bought for reselling. There are ready jobs available for those who are engaged in arts and crafts as well as professionals. There are professionals making a living on sites like Elance and Freelancer.

If you're a good writer it could be a content creation that you may be interested in. Bloggers and authors are always looking for ghostwriters. If you are good with graphics there is a great demand for logos, book covers and graphics for websites.

If you're an engineer, project manager or an advertising professional you could stat your own consulting business. Of course you will need to promote your service and acquire clients but there are courses that teach you to do that.

Planning your work schedule and time is something that most people take for granted. When high are in an office your boss plans what you do and gives you time lines. When you are on your own you need to do this yourself. Plan which days you will be working and whether you will take the entire weekend off. If you were working a 9 to 5 plan of fixing similar hours for your new business.

I believed in an early start and this has gone well for me. I am able to complete almost major tasks by afternoon and I am free before the evening. I plan my days with a to do list which I follow to the last letter.

It could be different for you and late hours may suit you better. But make sure that you have tasks cut out for each day and monitor your progress by keeping track of how much you are able to complete each day. Make changes in your schedule accordingly so that your to do list does not become an impossible task master.

Don't lose contact with your friends in your job and keep in touch with your old colleagues. Once you begin working from home you will tend to be cutoff from the world. If you are a blogger on Steemit make sure that you join various groups and channels on Discord, adn form your own social group.

Last but not the least, you must take your family into confidence. They will be your immediate form of support until you have enough friends and contacts in the online world with the same interests or business as you. Share your plan with them and address their concerns so that they are confident that everything will be fine.

Hopefully, using these tips will ease your transition from an office worker to an online entrepreneur.

Are you a work-at-home entrepreneur? Did you quit your job? Describe your experience!

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Image sources: Pixabay, Canva

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