Why A High SBD Is A Good Thing | A Post On Behalf Of All Minnows

I wonder how many have noticed that the Steemit feed is flowing at a much faster pace than before. There seems to be a added urgency to the feed which seems keener than ever to display the latest new post. That my friends is the result of the new high value of SBD! Well it's not brand new but has been on since the beginning of December last year. I just refreshed the Steem Dollars page of Coinmarketcap.com and the current price that shows is.... 6.75 USD!

Steemit bloggers are thrilled at the well-earned higher income. It's almost like you got a triple promotion at the office and you're now earning what your boss's boss was earning a few weeks before!

But while bloggers continue their work with a renewed vigor and excitement there are serious discussions in the backrooms on how the SBD can be reverted back to $1.

Steemit needs the SBD to be more than just a dollar. The reason being that a vast majority, and let me peg it at over 95% of Steemit users, come here not just to blog and make friends but mainly to earn an income. Some post for a nice side income and others for paying their bills through the SBD that they earn by blogging and commenting on Steemit. Ever heard of countries where entire populations are struggling due to their devalued currencies? SBD earnings enable them to see light at the end of a tunnel.

Some of the most popular posts ever are those that offer tips on how to increase earnings on Steemit. The most popular keywords pertaining to Steemit with high search volumes are "how much money can you make on Steemit", "making money on Steemit" and "how much can you make on Steemit."

As the instances of unemployment and pink slips continue to rise the world seeks refuge online, trying to look for what is loosely termed as work-from-home jobs. Except that while these folks do work from home, they do so because they do not have an office to go to. They could be people who lost their jobs, quite often due to no fault of theirs, or can't get jobs in the first place, or single moms who just can't leave their kids at home at the mercy of an outsider.

There is no way a disabled person can earn a decent income until the entire world realizes that the disabled do not need sympathy, but jobs in offices that will accept them without judging them and make their premises disabled-friendly.

If you "get it" now, you will start understanding why a high SBD is a good thing for the overwhelming majority of Steemit. At least on Steemit, the majority should win, if not in the offline world where money trumps physical human numbers.

While the earnings on Steemit are earned in two parts, namely SBD and Steem Power, it is the former that enables bloggers to meet their expenses - at least some of them. If Steem Power needs to be cashed out it involves a lengthy process which also results in downgrading the amount of already small "minnow power" that one has. Imagine upvoting a post with a fraction of a cent! On any post with more than 20 upvotes a vote smaller than a cent will not even be noticed when the author clicks on the drop down that shows the users who upvoted the post.

Most importantly the increase in SBD has seen a resurgence in legit activity on Steemit, something that seemed to be on the decline especially in the case of tenured bloggers. Once bloggers saw that they could get rewarded well for their efforts with a higher value of payouts they started publishing more frequently. What's more, the quality of posts also went up with the bloggers trying harder, hoping to get more upvotes for their content.

As an owner of one of the largest support groups admitted recently, his group showed an increase in new membership numbers in the last month which was actually equal to the entire year's numbers. Almost all active support groups and those set up for a cause have seen a spurt in membership since the value of SBD went up. That is a surely a good thing for a social platform that is trying to build communities.

I have seen several posts describing the intricacies of the varying values of SBD as well as the fluctuations of Steem. Technicalities aside, the fact remains that a high SBD means more growth for Steemit and an increased zest for blogging, both of which will decline if the SBD goes back to $1 or less - which was mostly the case previously. Once Steemit has grown to a size and position where it is well established and not a "beta" platform anymore, we can talk of things like pegging the value of SBD to something lower.

Before leaving here are a few questions for the czars of the Steemit world. Let the value of SBD not be allowed to go so high up as 14 USD as was seen in December last year, but why not peg it at a value equivalent to 3 USD or 2 USD?

Why must it have to go back to a measly equivalent of 1 USD if fiat currency is thought to belong to the past and a diminishing phenomenon which will be replaced by cryptocurrencies?

If it has to stay at a value of 1 USD, why not increase the payouts by increasing the reward pool?

If you've got this far, thanks for reading!

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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy

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