Sweet Journey: Hyde Park's bustling summer, and festive winter..着迷于海德公园的夏与冬。

Hello Steemit friends! As the summer wind's down, what activities have you been up to on the weekend? Hopefully you've taken some time to enjoy some sunshine relaxing in a peaceful and green country park. Some say that the UK is one of the top places for finding the most number of parks, so today I'm taking you to the one of the biggest parks, none other than Hyde Park!

Would you care to guess what activities I get up in these parks during the summer and winter months?

Hyde Park is situated west of Buckingham Palace and occupies about an area of 1.4km². In the 18th Century, Hyde Park was used by the Royal family for deer hunting. Nowadays, it is open to the general public for their own leisure.

The Hyde Park Highlights

The Lecture Corner

The speech corner has been a tradition since 1800, notable people like Marx and Churchill have brought their own wooden boxes to stand on and deliver public speeches. Nowadays, every Sunday is an opportunity for people of all kinds of disciplines to congregate and share their wisdom.


Rememberance Fountain

This Fountain was built in 2004 in remembrance of Diana Princess of Wales. The design is such that when viewed from the top down, resembles a necklace. Under the blazing Sun, it is a nice way to cool off!


Hyde Park's Beauty in Detai

During the beginning months of Summer, Hyde Park is a great place to go admire it's flowers. The colorful flowers give off a really seductive smell, truly bringing out the romantic nature of the setting.


England and London in particular, are famous for it's fog. In the eyes of many from this region, sunshine and warm weather are a rare occurrence and should be treasured. Thankfully, the UK does see a few good days of warm weather and sunshine a year, and during these days, people in London like to come to Hyde Park to sunbathe to their hearts content.


If you're lucky you'll see some mini parties in the Park. Sometimes people dress up as chubby Dinosaurs and chase superwoman riding their bikes. The atmosphere at this point suddenly feels a few degree's warmer !

In the warm summer days, I like to be near cool water. In the middle of Hyde Park, there is a lake called The Serpentine lake where you can row boats on the water. This lake and "The Long Water" divide Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. (See picture below)


In my eyes, Hyde Park is also an animal Kingdom. In the blink of an eye, a naughty squirrel suddenly appeared in front of me which was a nice surprise!

There are groups of Ducks, Geese and elegant Swans which come to meet me as I walk towards them. It's like they're old friends. I guess that makes sense because i'm Hyde Park's regular visitor, whether its Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter - I frequently visit to lighten the mood.


I like taking pictures with my friends, so I squat down and get a quick snap with my Duck friends!


Rowing Boats in Summer

Even though Hyde Park doesn't seem very big, to walk around it is actually quite a fair distance. There are three other modes of transport : Horse Riding, Bicycle Rental and last but not least, Rowing boats!


My favorite one is of course rowing! In Hyde Park, the boats don't have any roof, so it's best to avoid rowing when it rains. Rowing in Hyde Park is a perfect opportunity to get close to the animals, as you gently row, the ducks, birds, swans and other birds will swim along side, or often fly by as if they're saying hello!


The Crazy Winter Theme Park

At Christmas, Hyde Park transforms into a Christmas themed fun fair called Winter Wonderland. The park opens from before Christmas, right through to past new year, the whole time it's like one big party event. Every year, I enjoy Winter Wonderland so much that I visit many times.


Taking with my drone

Its like a childrens fairy tale, so many different fun things to do, so many games awaiting you to play. As you guys know, I love playing the games where I can win rewards!


Steemit朋友们你们好,在刚刚过去的夏天里,对于你们, 周末最放松的消遣是不是逛公园呢?据说英国是全世界公园最多的国家之一,今天我就想带你们去看一看伦敦最大的皇家公园——海德公园,猜猜夏季和冬季的公园里我最喜欢哪些奇妙的活动?海德公园占地面积为1.4 km²,位于白金汉宫的西侧。18世纪以前这是皇家专属狩鹿场,现在这里逐渐成为人们喜爱的休闲之地。
海德公园在圣诞节前后会神奇地变身成圣诞游乐园Winter Wonderland。因为临近新年,所以特别有狂欢的气氛。我每年都会忍不住去玩好几次。这里就像个童话世界,有各种好玩的大型游戏等着你,当然也可以玩各种小游戏赢得奖品,你们知道,这是我最爱的啦!

If you are interested in my other blogs related to relationships please check out these other blogs below

Kissing Santorini's Magical Blue Sea.
Uncovering the secrets of the River Cam in Cambridge.
Memoirs of Malta : Popeye Village and it's crazy water dance party.
A visual and literary account of my travels to Nepal!
My 12 hour vacation in Portugal.
My adventure to Tenerife.
Discovering the legend of Hainan.
One night in the Yellow Submarine.
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