Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Saturnia #9

When we arrived in Saturnia we did not know what was waiting for us because our driver only told us it was awesome. And it truely was: free natural termal water pools.

There is another thermal water place close by which is pretty expensive and more like swimmingpools which I would never prefere to this natural build pools with their little waterfalls. Our mate told us that in the 60s the hippies used to come there smoking lots of weed and you could not see the difference between the weed smoke and the water steem in the night. The place looked awesome so we decided to stay there for the night.

Our driver was such a nice person and took us to the next village to buy some stuff for the night and of course this place had an amazing charming atmosphere.

There was a lot of floral decorations and climbing plants on the walls. Such a pretty village but I can not remember the name. Shame on me. Maybe you know the place and are able to help me out?

Look at those pretty little passways leading to even more narrow pathways...

This kind of architecture has a nice effect. You feel like on a sheltered exploring tour and when you walk out of the narrow pathways you sense the different dimension of space you are now dealing with.

After buying some pizzabread, other snacks and water we went back to Saturnia. Our driver friend left us there and we wished each other the best for our journeys. Now it was time for a bath.

The water was awesome. It was such a great recovery. If you carry a heavy backpack every day for some time this is the best feeling you can experience. Night came and suddenly everywhere were fireflies blinking in all colours. Could have been the perfect peaceful night if the other German tourists had not been there. They got pretty drunk in the waterpools and screamed a lot. We call it "gröhlen" in German which is "brawling" in English Google translator tells me. Singing songs drunk :D I guess they had lots of fun, so fair enough. We would have preferred silence but why to bother so much. In the end we were all very lucky to enjoy the rich beauty of this awesome place and there were different ways to celebrate that. We went to sleep and enjoyed the silence at a parking lot close buy where we built our tent.

The next day we were hitching again. In my next post I will tell you about the next two stops of our journey: Talamone and Sienna. Thank you very much for reading and your support :)

The way to Ostia - 1
Ostia Antica -1.1
Bracciano -2
Viterbo -3
Tuscania -4
Lago di Bolsena -5
Pitigliano Part 1 -6
Pitigliano Part 2 -7
Sovana -8

Lots of Light and Love <3

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