Tutorial of Steemit song ft. Ms google translate!谷哥翻譯小姐唱歌製作篇!

Hi, you can listen the song at here! Now let us open the google translate page!



First, type some english words, then press japanese to listen. Ms. google translate will speak a nice melody. I use the Chrome Audio Capture to record the sound.

首先,打上一些英文詞句,然後按日文,谷歌小姐就會讀出一些旋律來。我是用Chrome Audio Capture去錄銯製這段聲音。


Second, I introduce this amazing web app to make the song! Please registry a new account, then open the studio page!

接著為大家介紹這個神奇的網頁軟件去製造歌曲!請先註冊一個帳戶,然後打開 Studio 頁面!

Then, upload the song we just speak by Ms. google translate! Please be patient to wait a few minutes!


1.Select Style - There are many style that you can choose, just press the select button after you listen the demo.
選擇樣式 — 有非常多的種類給予選擇,聆聽示範音樂後就可以按選取鍵。

2.Here is the main style type.

3.After you choose the style, it will shown as here.

4.Now we adjust the pattern, click the song form button. We can adjust the song arrangement at here. From my past post, we have a formula in create a song. We have intro, verse, chorus and outro.
現在來到調整曲子的格式,點擊 song form 按鈕,我們便可以調配每個部分的位置及長短時間。在我之前的篇章已經介紹過每首曲子由 intro, verse, chorus 及 outro 組成。

Finally, click the save & share button, you can download the song at here!

最後,按下 save & share 按鈕,你便可以下載歌曲了!

Here is some variable versions! 下面有幾個不同版本!

By the way, if you have some suggestion of mixed sound, please tell me. Because we can combine the voice to the song to make it better. The app which have the auto-tune function usually is paid version. I am trying to make it again!


This is the one who inspire me to do it! 這是啟發我繼續嘗試的片子,請欣賞!

If you are interesting, please go to view the mixed song related post:

The one who love music, come to join the Music Contest too! !! >喜愛音樂的你也來參加音樂挑戰吧!

Please feel free to tell me at the comment if you want to join. The sponsor of prize also welcomed.


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