The Whistleblowers (Series): #24 - "I Helped Build Some of The US Military's 100+ Massive, Deep Underground Bases, Worked at Area 51 And Killed Extra Terrestrials During An Underground Encounter" - Phil Schneider.

Phil Schneider was a Geologist, Structural Engineer, explosives expert and Inventor who claims to have worked on numerous super secret 'black projects' for the US Military. He claims his Father had a very high security clearance with NATO and had worked with the 'Philadelphia Experiment' in the 1940s.

Towards the end of his life, Phil felt threatened by what he had been a witness to - deep beneath the Earth's surface - and decided to break his oaths of secrecy, giving numerous public presentations. He is one of the very earliest speakers on the topics of the connection of underground bases to Extra Terrestrial Visitations and is the focus of a new film that has just been released. Sadly, he was found dead in his apartment on January 17, 1996 - apparently, strangled by his own catheter.


Phil's Testimony

His claims span such a long time period and touch on so many different aspects of secret projects, technology and even chemistry that it is tough to summarise them. Perhaps the most well known part of his testimony is that he claims that during an operation to dig four very deep bore holes into the Earth in America, he got involved in a firefight with what are commonly known as 'tall greys' (ET Beings). He claims that a foul stench came out from one of the holes that his team had created and all sensors and equipment that was lowered into it was either broken or destroyed. Eventually, he says, they lowered humans into the hole and he was one of them.

He claims that over 50 soldiers and engineers were killed there, in a fight that resulted in him losing several fingers and having serious damage done to his chest.

He gives some quite detailed technical data regarding the technology and materials being used in America's secret technology programs - including very high speed aircraft that are space capable. He generally demonstrates a coherent understanding of his fields of expertise, such as material physics and chemistry - plus does not demonstrate any obvious signs of fabricating his story. He does, however, demonstrate various mental 'ticks' whereby his words come out in a slightly confused way - which may possibly be the result of trauma sustained in his life.

He was particularly worried that the underground bases which he helped build, but yet did not actually work in after their completion - would be used for nefarious purposes, including as hidden prison camps, genetic cloning centers and more. He repeatedly, specifically states that the people who built these secret bases are the same that many call the NWO (New World Order) groups who essentially intend to dominate all life everywhere. Note: Numerous other whistleblowers in this series have referred to the same group.

In his later presentations he states that 13 attempts on his life had been made that year alone and not long afterwards, it appears that he was murdered.

Phil's Death (Murder) in 1996.

Phil's wife, Cynthia, states that initially it was declared he had died due to a stroke, but she wanted to make sure he had not been murdered - so insisted on seeing his body. Before she went to see his body, the 'funeral director' who had previously attempted to put her off of the idea of viewing the body, announced he had 'found' 'something' around Phil's neck. At the autopsy it was determined that he had died by suffocation 'by wrapping a rubber cathater hose three times around his neck, and half-knotting it in front'.

The full letter from his wife Cynthia can be viewed here.

The New Film About His Life - Underground

Darcy Weir and Lee Lustig are two film makers and researchers who have recently created a film about Phil's life, with numerous details about him included and which will help shed light on his unusual life, career and death. The full film is available for paid rental or download currently and the film makers were recently interviewed by Kerry Cassidy here:

UPDATE: I have just watched this documentary and it is definitely worth watching if you want to know more about Phil's life and also some of the background of the black projects that he alleges to have been involved in.

Video Testimonies

A full length presentation from Phil:

The last presentation by Phil - Two months before his death:

Got Comments?

What do you think of this testimony? Do you have any relevant evidence to add? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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  24. The Whistleblowers (Series): #24 - Phil Schneider - "I Helped Build Some of The US Military's 100+ Massive, Deep Underground Bases, Worked at Area 51 And Killed Extra Terrestrials During An Underground Encounter".

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