A Thousand Shades of Grey

So many words, so many truths. I can only write my truths, your’s are another story.

It’s not black and white. It’s a million shades of grey. And like the nudge, there’s sex behind all stories. Even the innocent ones.

Gratifying mind erasers and quickies and hard breathing passion. Sometimes even forced. But the truth is arranged words make love to the reader.

I do as they command and punch the keyboard to produce little black letters all neatly arranges into sense. I learned long ago not to try to control them- they are like adolescents who have let go of Mamas' hand and are venturing out to carve their way into the reader's belief system.

They are all little rebels. Just like you and me.

When I feel its just junk and toss the crumpled paper to the wastebasket, I mourne for a moment. They may not have been good enough for now but what if they could have led another to greatness?

The words pour and I translate, I am but a medium for them to find you. I am a thousand shades of grey. I am the one that reopened the wound and I am the one that tickled your fancy. I am the one that made you sleep with the light on last night and the one that left that lingering smile.

I am all the shades of grey and at the same time, I am simply the one.

What is your truth?

5 Minute Freewrite via @mariannewest

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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