Follow That Hair!

Hair. Many see it as your crowning glory. Some see it as something rapidly fleeting. But everyone can agree- hair is a very personal thing.

Those tresses on your head are rightly yours, and only yours.

So why does modern culture have everyone following the masses and styling their coif as everyone else does. Oh look, (insert famous singer here) cut her hair? I must do the very same thing, where’s my stylists number?

Hair should be as personal as the individual. I am a white girl with dreadlocks. Sure, I get the common misconceptions “What’s it like to stop washing your hair?” Wait, what? I wash it every two to three days! Anyone who knows hair knows clean tresses lock faster.

My hair is actually healthier than it was before I locked it. I now do not use any chemicals- organic pure cleanser only, because I now know firsthand that anything you put onto your hair stays in your hair and alters it from the very root.


Did I do this to follow anyone? Let me ask you this- can you think of any white girl in the media with dreads?

I used to follow the trends and colors of the season. Ever changing. Spending a small fortune. But now I am truly happier. And my hair has never been healthier! And it smells divine, something I never got from store bought shampoo as I learned how to make my own from natural ingredients.

Do something for you and do your hair the way you want for a few weeks. See how this changes your perspective on a whole lot of things :)

Happy Thanksgiving my friends! I am thankful for you.

This post is inspired by the 5 minute freewrite hosted by our very own @mariannewest :)

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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