* Mature love: when first love does not always come in the right order *

Sometimes, first love does not always come in the right order. There are relationships that take place in middle age, allowing us to discover magical and unexpected people in whose hugs we like to take refuge, because they smell like home and their kisses taste like sugar and fire at the same time. Because mature love does not understand age, it is dignified and vital and energizing.

A common fact in many of these cases in which significant relationships are consolidated in middle age, is that some of the members had the clear assurance that in their case, the doors of love had been closed forever. Sometimes, we store sentimental failures so devastating that we have the feeling that our heart, already turned to stone, has fallen into the depths of a well.

Mature loves are in the mid-afternoon of life. They are free people, calm of heart and rich of thought, because in their faces they dance the smiles and the desire to continue wanting. Because sometimes, the first great love does not always come in the right order

 We must also point out something important. Not all people, only to reach 50 or 60 years, are able to build a mature, conscious and happy love. There are many bitter hearts that have not purged sorrows, that have not been able to make that inner journey where they can forgive, where to make past experiences renewed paths to travel with hope.

Because the personal maturity does not bring the years nor the damages. But the attitude and wisdom of emotions where not all have acquired their doctorate, their mastery. We invite you to reflect on it.


When one reaches that age when the decades have traced more stories in us than we could count, we sometimes see ourselves as ripe fruits slightly bruised at the edges. Now, we must never forget that ripe fruits have a much sweeter and more pleasant taste, than those other too green, too tight and slightly bitter.

Our experiences are not a burden. On the contrary, nobody should be the result of their disappointments, their failures or even less of the injuries that others inflicted on them. We are our attitude before everything experienced, never a mere result. For this reason, mature love adds to the feeling a dose of wisdom to be able to build what really matters: happy presents, dignified and passionate presents in which to discover each other.

Neither of the two members renounces their past, they are simply accepted, as naked skins inhabited by some scars are accepted, some wrinkles left by time in those faces and in those bodies perfectly imperfect where, of course, neither decades nor disappointments matter. Only the pleasure of the here and now.

           invite you to visit these article

                   * A love that begs is not love *

      * Love, even if battles are fought, is not a war *

* Things you should not break: trust, promises and hearts *

               * The day I started to love myself *

             *  The kitchen as a therapeutic tool *

        * Face your darkest emotions to be happy *

      * It seems fashionable not to say what we feel *

      * Balanced motivation: the best way to learn *

     * Discover the beauty of having a unique body *

             * Interoception: beyond the 5 senses *

                          * Attract love to your life *

   * Why it's important not to leave things unfinished *

          * Pareidolia, see ways where there are not *

                   * the best revenge is not revenge *   

                           * a break is not a failure *

         All the images were taken from the public domain

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