Breakdowns: Be Alert to Warning Signs



I am going to say a commonness or an obvious fact, it's up to you.

We’ve all known at least once an IT breakdown when it’s not several …

I have already given you the advice to Anticipate Them and to Maintain Your Materials.

But sometimes, even though the failure may be imminent and inevitable.

Yes, because if we put aside the problems bound to excessive temperatures for example or still to defects in some components and even sometimes outright design, the wear is inevitable.

It's like driving a car, feeling, smelling or hearing something wrong. If one or several lights ignited on your dashboard, you would stop to look for the origin or would ask for help, no?

-> Well for a tower or a laptop, it's the same thing:

  • If like that has already arrived at me you smell an abnormal odor,

  • If when the touch your Tower (more frequently the laptop) the coating seems to you abnormally hot or even boiling,

  • If abnormal sounds/vibrations are emitted,

  • If you experience frequent crashes,

  • If your system display alarming error messages,

  • If your system is getting slower and slower, particularly in the startup,

  • If it restarts unexpectedly,

  • If you do not hear any more your Hard drive, than it remains silent for a long time while you are trying to reach data unsuccessfully,

  • If on the contrary your disk becomes very noisy,

  • If your display is disrupted or strange,

If these examples of warning signs are seriously taken from their first appearance and if you act accordingly, they will avoid you from huge disasters.

Because if you want to change a power supply it’s not too expensive (between 30 and 80 euros on average according to the quality and/or the power you are looking for) and rapids to be made.



But on the other hand changing a processor is more expensive and less easy to do (between 50 and 200 euros on average), more information HERE.

And losing several gigas or years of data, (it is how you prefer) is difficult to solve.


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